HI Paul
Sorry but this may spoil you day
I worked for Telecom for 39 years 3 months
Only to be tossed out by individuals 5 of them who lacked honesty and integrity and whose cumulative service didn’t come close to measuring up to mine
I really enjoyed working for Telecom until the last year
They left me with wrecked health, a marriage collapsing under the strain, a forced resignation and a do not re-employ stamped on my file
Some team you have
I hope you are proud
The medical people have now told me I have a life threatening condition I have sold my house and chattels to friends and family
So I’m stuck on the dole basically there is not a lot more you can do to me
All I wanted was to be treated with honesty, integrity, and transparency .i was more than happy to be judged amongst my peers on a level playing field
But no I was cast aside forgotten by an uncaring group happy to sacrifice their souls for promotion The letter enclosed from your lawyer indicates you no longer want to listen so I have found others that will
They did not listern, they did not know how ,perhaps they will listen now
They are not listening, they are not listening still, perhaps they never will
From the song” Vincent “ “starry starry night’ by Don McLean
Cheers Paul
The end of one of my letters
Tied up in this act of fraud
It is no small sum approximately $480.000.00
My only options left after this the chief of police, the police minister, the ombudsman and the media
The national business review has been in contact and contact has made with Ian Wishart of investigate magazine
well actually i have more options but they just havent worked it all out yet nope not vindictive nothing personal just business you fucked up my life with you lack of honesty and integrity im just going to present the truth in your own words and if that fucks up your lives well you brought it on yourselves .see you at the book signing