Wednesday, November 30, 2011

letter to paul reynolds

HI   Paul
Sorry but this may spoil you day
I worked for Telecom for 39 years 3 months
Only to be tossed out by individuals 5 of them who lacked honesty and integrity and whose cumulative service didn’t come close to measuring up to mine
I really enjoyed working for Telecom until the last year
They left me with wrecked health, a marriage collapsing under the strain, a forced resignation and a do not re-employ stamped on my file 
Some team you have
I hope you are proud
The medical people have now told me I have a life threatening condition I have sold my house and chattels to friends and family
So I’m stuck on the dole basically there is not a lot more you can do to me
All I wanted was to be treated with honesty, integrity, and transparency .i was more than happy to be judged amongst my peers on a level playing field
But no I was cast aside forgotten by an uncaring group happy to sacrifice their souls for promotion The letter enclosed from your lawyer indicates you no longer want to listen so I have found others that will
They did not listern, they did not know how ,perhaps they will listen now
They are not listening, they are not listening still, perhaps they never will
From the song” Vincent “ “starry starry night’ by Don McLean
Cheers Paul
The end of one of my letters
Tied up in this act of fraud
It is no small sum approximately $480.000.00
My only options left after this the chief of police, the police minister, the ombudsman and the media
The national business review has been in contact and contact has made with Ian Wishart of investigate magazine
well actually i have more options but they just havent worked it all out yet

nope not vindictive nothing personal just business you fucked up my life with you lack of honesty and integrity im just going to present the truth in your own words and if that fucks up your lives well you brought it on yourselves .see you at the book signing

letter to the police commisioner


Several weeks ago I posted a hard copy of above attachment address to the Head of the C I B, Central Police Station Bridge Street Hamilton

As of to days email I have received a nil response, not even the courtesy of acknowledgement of the receipt of the letter

This is of concern and I ask your office for its assistance in this matter

I draw your attention, also to the following article  

It bears certain similarities to mine except in my case it is the employer committing fraud not the employee

Thank you for your time and assistance in this matter

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Accept nothing believe no one corroborate everything no 7

plan c

Accept nothing believe no one corroborate everything no 7

 whaaaooooooooooooooooooooooo it’s all coming together

Had a call from the police today a senior sergeant named Peter, he knew me from a number of years ago when I lived at a different address, a young girl was murdered behind my house I was called on to assist them with their enquires and surveillance

What a small world is t just surreal how it all works out in the end it.  I did them a good turn and now my efforts have come back to reward me

Karma with a capital K

Anyway it was do it was do with my complaint regarding the Fraud telecom perpetrated on me

I am now required to do what’s called a letter of complaint.

This is required to take the form of a time line of events each with supported and substantiated evidence this will on forwarded to the Head of C I B

So I have about a week to produce it so it not a biggie this is where I expected it all to end up .now people will appreciate why I went thru the privacy commission

 I have the false accusations detailed as true and correct signed off by my team leader Shaun Hoult l and Michelle young

B I have two witnesses to all the meetings, one hostile Iain Galloway Site Hr Telecom. One not Peter Cooper-Davies my union rep

C Plus additional participants Hannah Sullivan and Bridgette Dalzell  this will get interesting when the shit hits the fan as to who will take the blame and who will be the sacrificial lamb  Shaun think your need to buy some mint sauce your toasted sorry roasted

D have the acknowledgement via the telecom lawyer that the document doesn’t exist

He said I might need a lawyer to assist. I said apart from a couple of mistakes I’m doing just fine.

It’s the law they broke it I have the proof in hard copy out of their own mouths .all it takes is planning and patience

the wheels of justice grind slowly but they grind exceedingly small ,

though with patience ,he stands waiting, with exactness grinds he all.

many decisions or events that important in one,s life take time in coming

Friday, November 11, 2011

accept nothing believe nothing corroberate every thing 6

deal in facts argue with logic

steps maybe slow but they are sure

Good afternoon Paul

I am writing to confirm receipt of your emails to Christopher Blake.  They have been passed onto the office of the Deputy CE – Labour Group for action.

Kind regards,

Lauren Deslandes
Acting Executive Advisor to Chief Executive

i will reveal all later

Accept nothing Believe no one Corroborate everything NO 5

Over time I have heard a lot of rumours floating around about the reason for my leaving and what happened leading up to it

So time to clear up a few

“I left under a cloud” this published by someone on face book wtf  

No that has the connotation that I did something wrong

What happened is I advised them they were acting illegally” they shat themselves” as that information came via advice from the national manager health and safety they were wrong very wrong I was right

They issued me with a final written warning, forced me to a mediation, confidentially clauses don’t allow me to comment except to say if you watched the godfather films you would understand the phase” an offer I couldn’t refuse”

 “I was paid hush money”

No way was I paid hush money they don’t have enough to even tempt me

“I was paid redundancy “

Most people know I was on a very very old contact and yes there was a redundancy clause however there was no redundancy pay out 
So after 39years 3 months of loyal service I got nada nothing zero zilch in redundancy payouts   no that happy about many many thousands of reasons I’m not

“Team managers and others can’t work out why I appear to be taking it so personally”

Don’t like bullying tactics
Don’t like fraud used to convict me of things, have lodged a fraud complaint with police yes it is being acted on
Don’t like them acting illegally when they have received clear warnings not to
Don’t like being lied to by my management team I kept catching them out
Don’t like when my explanations of behaviour are completely ignored, they were so cocky they had written answers to my explanations before I even voiced them
Don’t like being defamed
Don’t like being shafted

Will I quit NO
I don’t bluff I don’t threaten I just act  as you have seen me do over the last 2 years

The choices of the people involved at telecom
Set things right

Or earn a criminal conviction and get sacked because of it

“Why didn’t I have a farewell morning tea” 

That would only happen if I agreed on the reasons I would publicly say was behind my leaving resigning   I was not prepared to lie to cover up what was going on

It would have been a hell of speech

“Am I ruining these people’s lives just to be vindictive? “

No they acted illegally the acts where premeditated and predetermined by Michelle Young and Bridgette Dalzell National manager

Are they spiteful?

Well I wasn’t overly worried about leaving as I have a vast background in Telecom and finding another job in the industry didn’t faze me

But finding out via the privacy commission that my file had been stamped “do not re-employ” was a tad nasty   you think

Will I answer anybodies question about this

Absolutely the only thing I can’t discuss is the mediation

So email me ring post a question on face book I have nothing to hide  

Be amazed at what I can tell you

Did you know that the trainers where required to alert national managers of trouble makers i.e. people that asked too many questions and challenged them
And they where managed out
I have full details of someone dobbing me in obtained via privacy commission request  oh bugger

Friday, November 4, 2011

Accept nothing, believe no one. Corroborate every thing post 4

I must be getting old really these lawyers are getting so easy to read I received the following form Telecom lawyers at 503pm Friday 4/11/11

Dear Paul,

We write further to our earlier email of 28 October 2011.

The contents of your email to Bryan Abraham are noted. Telecom will not be making any comment or entering into correspondence about the matters covered in your email.

In relation to your email to Hannah Sullivan of 26 October 2011, we note Ms Sullivan had already advised you that all personal information held about you had been disclosed in response to your earlier Privacy Act request.  To the extent that Telecom holds any of your personal information in all but one of the categories listed in your email (see our comments below), we confirm that information has already been disclosed to you.

As far as your request for "...documents that flowed between Telecom, the privacy commission and (yourself)…" is concerned, Telecom is not required to disclose its correspondence with the Privacy Commissioner regarding your complaint by reason of 55(e) of the Privacy Act 1993 and will not be doing so.

John RooneyPartnerSimpson GriersonLevel 27, 88 Shortland Street, Private Bag 92518, Auckland, New Zealand
DDI +64-9-977 5070  |  Fax +64-9-977 5083  |  Mobile +64-21 499 365  |

Let me interpret it for you
The contents of your email to Bryan Abraham are noted. Telecom will not be making any comment or entering into correspondence about the matters covered in your email.
This is really saying go away we have had enough of you, your email is going to file 13 we are not going to do anything
So is that the end of it NOPE cause what it is also saying is we don’t give a stuff about health and safety in the work place we make our own rules and by the tone of the email we wont do as legally required and notify the department of labour of the breech bugger what am I going to do now
Well this response was totally expected
Now perhaps another person the head of hr has perhaps quite possibly been caught up in this web and she perhaps is now in breech of the health and safety laws  it doesn’t appear that that she has notified  the dol
 In relation to your email to Hannah Sullivan of 26 October 2011, we note Ms Sullivan had already advised you that all personal information held about you had been disclosed in response to your earlier Privacy Act request
We confirm that information has already been disclosed to you.
Well my previous post also confirmed that Ms Sullivan was shall we say a little slow on the depth of  her research and we had to remonstrate with her about documents she could not find but the lawyer’s notes showed confirmation of their existence
Again this response was totally expected as well
BUGGER WILL HAVE TO PLAN C THEM   my day is filling up

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Sex, Sales and Shallow People

Discussion will soon be centred around my upcoming book about my experiences with Telecom at the moment it will based loosely on Nicky Hagar Hollow Men
Using copies of emails with myself adding bits of back ground to link them together .thinking of calling it Sex, Sales and Shallow People seen a good few of management not only lack honesty and integrity they just can’t seem to abide by thier marriage vows but happily get into each other pants