Saturday, October 29, 2011

Accept NothingBelieve No oneCorroborate everything Post 2

Hi Sarah

Well I did my bit.  they were slow to respond note dates and then only after a phone call to Hannah Sullivan prompted them to action

Would you be so kind as to peruse the emails form bottom to top than make the same requests via your office

No doubt we are going to get the run around again

Thanks for everything sorry if its getting a bit tiresome

Cheers Paul

Dear Paul,

We refer to your emails to Hannah Sullivan and Bryan Abraham of Telecom. Please do not send any further correspondence to or directly contact any Telecom staff as they will not result in a response.  As you know, we act for Telecom and all future correspondence in relation to these and any other issues you may have regarding Telecom should be directed to us.

We will respond to your enquiries next week.

Partner Level 27, 88 Shortland Street, Private Bag 92518, Auckland, New Zealand
John Rooney

Simpson Grierson

DDI +64-9-977 5070  |  Fax +64-9-977 5083  |  Mobile +64-21 499 365  |

From: Paul Mcleod []
Sent: Wednesday, 26 October 2011 3:12 p.m.
To: ''
Subject: FW: New request for information


A couple of things

Perhaps then you should ask you lawyer as he is aware of them (refer below) they were not relevant, then they are certainly relevant now


From: Paul Mcleod []
Sent: Monday, March 08, 2010 11:00 PM
To: John Rooney
Subject: please assist
Hi john

I also require all notes, memo emails any and all communications relevant to the discussion carried out between telecom representative’s either Sheryl North and Michelle Young and department of labour representative Dr David Prestage

warm regards

Dear Paul,

For the reasons set out in previous emails, the respondents do not consider the documents requested to be relevant to the two preliminary issues and will therefore not be providing them.

Yours sincerely

John Rooney Partner Simpson Grierson
Level 27,88 Shortland Street, Private Bag 92518
Auckland, New Zealand, DX CX 10092
DDI: +64 9 977 5070 Fax: +64 9 977 5083

What occurred to me does not happen without the oversight of senior management, so I would respectfully suggest you ask again
My managers and Iain Galloway did not work in isolation they kept asking for guidance from another party. please provide as requested

Iain Galloway or yourself made reference to the letters to government departments etc in the letter to the board so respectfully I suggest you ask/look again

I additionally require copies of the documents that flowed between Telecom, the privacy commission .and myself with  particular reference to my and the privacy commissioner requests  for a copy of the complaint letter referenced in team meeting notes as coming from the intellectually handicapped girl complaining that among other things that I was condescending and rude

This is to include all correspondence form you legal agent in which he finally acknowledged it did not exist

Additionally I require all copies of all meeting notes of all meeting between myself, Michelle Young and Shaun Hoult that were produced
These are to include their signed off acknowledgement that they where a true and correct record as required by Telecom own process
Please Do not send me unsigned copies

If this is your final word on the matter, please advise as I will repeat the request via the privacy commission

Warm regards

From: Hannah Sullivan []
Sent: Wednesday, 26 October 2011 9:48 a.m.
To: Paul Mcleod
Subject: RE: New request for information

Dear Paul,

We undertook an extensive search and review exercise to comply with your previous request under the Privacy Act.  I am personally unaware of the company holding any further personal information about you, as I have been on maternity leave over the last year.  I have asked my colleagues and no one I have spoken with is aware of the information to which you refer below being in existence.


Hannah Sullivan
HR Service Delivery ER Counsel

09 3650461 (extn 94161)
276 777780

Level 3 Yellow, Telecom Place, 167 Victoria Street
Private Bag 92028, Auckland
   Be very aware  some if not all of the names below are the subject of a still open complaint for fraud with the Hamilton police

Bridgette Dalzell :current head of outsourced customer care at telecom New Zealand whom is Michelle Young's direct report at time of incident

Michelle Young :call centre manager Hamilton call centre, whom is Shaun Hoults direct report at time of incidents

Shaun Hoult: team manager weekend team Sat-Tues Hamilton

Iain Galloway HR representative for in Hamilton

Hannah Sullivan HR representative head office

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