Are Shaun Hoult and Michelle Young both lairs?
Well you decide
I have proved that Bridgette Dalzell is and Hannah Sullivan has possibility mislead telecoms lawyer and maybe breeched some of the tenants of acting in “good faith” and the mediation process
Plus a very heavily censored email has been presented to the employment relations authority
All will come to light soon enough when the ERA makes it ruling WHICH WILL BE SOON
As today the 20th of Aug 2010 marks exactly one year since I resigned from telecom I thought it auspicious to mark it with more evidence of lairs, dishonesty, unfairness, betrayal you decide
Let’s take you all back a year and eight months
This bullshit all started when in late dec 2008 when I was called into an office by my team leader Shaun and presented with a disciplinary notice and advised I would be performance managed
Reading the notes it was immediately obvious this was the start of the end of my career as I was being micro-managed
I had been retrospectively looked at for the preceding 4 months and every little misdeamour had been noted from being eight seconds in a work email while I was talking to a customer to treating a short lead mf service order as a breech of the operational separation agreement
Micro-managing is a from of work place bullying Michelle Young and Iain Galloway the hr person admitted micro-managing was occurring on two separate occasions I have the dairy notes
So in meeting after meeting I was told by both Shaun and Michelle that I was required to get 100% of things right 100% of the time
Was anyone else held to these standards, can it be demonstrated, if not why not...
Now I will apply the same approach via any legal channel available.100% right 100% of the time...where they are lacking it will be exposed.....
Their own evidence indicates that the site was not meeting the required targets,,,whom is accountable...the staff or the managers....whom decides...whom does it serve...
Meeting after meeting I was presented with all the statistics they have all highlighted where I hadn’t achieved and told that others where achieving these very results
Not being a dumb ass I asked to be judged fairly among my peers I accepted I couldn’t achieve what was required but felt quite rightly it turns out that nor could others alot of others
I even said to them fine give me the boot but a good third of the sight should be joining me
Now remember the year and month this started dec 2008
Remember I gained a lot of information under the privacy act well take a read of this note from Shaun note the date
Today we had a meeting that was focused on the call structure & how it needs to be adhered to provide a better more consistent experience for our customers.
In attendance were
My self
Gail Wiley
Paul Miller
Ella Benton
Ross Smith
Sue Rae
Marc Morey
Karen Flack
Absent were
Paul Evans McLeod
Ken Robinson
Chris Barr
Tim Speak
Emma Jeffery
Stephanie Henriksen
In this meeting we reviewed the findings from the recent managers workshop that was held on Monday 1616th & Tuesday 1717th of February 2009, this was done by way of a PowerPoint presentation where we reviewed a sample of 300 calls, that were listened to over a 32 rep sample, we looked at compliance from these reps on the following parts of the call structure, also listed is the % achieved in each area.
Pops 49%
Name & # 70%
Authority check 42%
Ask open questions 46%
Provide the best solution 65%
Positive language 80%
Read market market alerts 4%
Right plan 8%
There was some shock in the meeting that we were not doing a better job of looking after our customers, & we discussed the reasons that we need to follow the call structure 100% to put this right
All present agreed that we needed to be better then this & agreed to follow the call structure as requested by my self. I further stated that this was not a choice but what I required from each member of the team.
I also provided a printed call structure for every member of the team which is identical to what I am looking for on my call observations & have offered to help any member who may need help in a particular area
Those team members that were not present at today’s meeting will be taken through the presentation & the same expectations will be placed on each of them.
Please note that all team members will be held accountable for there own performance & failure to carry these requirements out, may result in disciplinary measures
So where they lying to me its very unclear you think?
To me it was pretty obvious that to have a two day work shop about this sort of thing that the whole of the site was in the shit everybody was doing badly,very badly
So the big question is why I was the only one micro-managed surely everybody should have been dealt with the same set of rules that would be fair you think
It pretty obvious that I never did get to attend this meeting other wise I would have had my disciplainary action stopped immediately I would have been all other Shaun
So why did both Michelle and Shaun continue month after month micro-managing me till it culminated in my dismissal
Has it got you thinking is it fair ,is it right, is it honest ,is it ethical, as required by telecoms own code of ethics
Is this the behavior you want to see in your management structure? At this point I had loyally served the site for 12 years having only two days sick inn the whole time
If you find these managers action abhorrent wait till you see what esle i have uncovered
I urge you to make sure you have your work/life balance in order don’t come to work when you are not feeling up to it use your sick leave they just dont appreciate things like loyalty someone decides he/she is out and thats it
only one person in the whole site had the guts to make a stand for me one person
Just look at the reward I got for putting my health on the line the shaft
You know all that information I got
thanks Phil and Pam for your support
you smile to my face, you ask me for help and then you stab me fair and square in the back
you two faced arseholes I have the paper work so don’t even bother denying it
Michelle and Shaun and you two when you see me in the street cross over stay away from me
Not for fear that I might attack you but more for the fact that you and your behavior sickens me so much
I might vomit all over you
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