Thursday, April 19, 2012


Me and Telecom
From: John Rooney []
Sent: Thursday, 19 April 2012 7:28 a.m.
To: Paul Mcleod (
Subject: Telecom [SG-SGDMS.FID361431]
Dear Paul,
We refer to your emails of 15 and 17 April 2012.
Telecom does not intend to enter into further correspondence with you about the matters raised in your emails. As previously advised, any correspondence is to be directed to us and the block on emails will not be removed.
In relation to your request "under the auspices of the privacy act", Telecom has already provided you with all of your personal information that is in its possession.
Telecom is not aware of the Police investigating any complaint against it but would of course cooperate with any direct contact made by the Police.
Yours faithfully
John Rooney
Simpson Grierson
Level 27, 88 Shortland Street, Private Bag 92518, Auckland, New Zealand
DDI +64-9-977 5070 | Fax +64-9-977 5083 | Mobile +64-21 499 365 |

As expected a  piss off letter
Tell the truth and tell it ever, costeth what it will; for he who hides the wrong he did, does the wrong thing still.”
So let’s deconstruct what is happening here, let’s read between the lines
Telecom does not intend to enter into further correspondence with you about the matters raised in your emails. As previously advised, any correspondence is to be directed to us and the block on emails will not be removed
Not a worry all future correspondence will come from the C I B and other legal entities

They in their arrogance are not aware of a case taken against an insurance company where the complaints where “awarded $10,000 for two breaches of the Privacy Act, for refusing to provide information and failing to respond to requests.”

Telecom is not aware of the Police investigating any complaint against it but would of course cooperate with any direct contact made by the Police.
Like fuck off I gave them the complaint number 
They only want direct contact so they can assess what merits the case has
The direct contact will be when they are cuffed and arrested
So John Rooney I believe gets his instructions from someone in Telecom  HR
I fully believe that the HR personal are not telling the higher ups the board members the whole story and they will come unstuck
As previously advised, any correspondence is to be directed to us
This is exactly why I sent the board and the group consul the information by post
And the block on emails will not be removed.
This is because I keep asking questions and won’t go away they cant answer them
The withholding of the information means I have to deal with telecom across an information barrier.
Which requires me to think out side the square to circomvent what they are doing
.if I had used a lawyer I would have spent close to $250.000 to achieve the results thus far?
But I am not I’m using my own intellect the wise consul of others
This has taken over two and half years, the process is quite intimidating. But if you do have the tenacity you can become quite successful
"If you believe in yourself and what you're doing then you can prove these great big companies can't just steamroll over you."
That’s is not going to happen in this case
However it is grist for the mill, this is the reality of what is really going on and exactly what I set out to achieve
Behind the scenes they will be endeavouring to line their ducks in a row...
And wondering what it is that is leaving them exposed so
Should the investigation proceed?
You have
Members of the board..Advised and failed to act 
Legal counsel..Advised and failed to act
Etc etc
None of which will do them any favours when the crap hits the fan
And the legal advisor will be checking with Rooney that they are not exposed etc, etc 
Also those involved have exposed Telecom so they will be under scrutiny etc
John Rooney is telling me what he wants me to hear etc
They will be checking etc etc
They probably have a view that i,m  are just a moaning bastard that will not accept his fate...and dismiss you, that’s to your advantage
No not a moaning bustard ,they acted illegally ,I caught them they admitted it ,its fraud  I’m just holding all to account
The board will have been asking questions , as they are exposed...they are not there because they are stupid in all cases, and they will look after themselves, if they are lied to by anyone underneath and caught by that lie...those below will be dealt to etc
Eventually perhaps after the fraud case this may well make the media  I have them on paper every step of the way

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