brigette dalzell trish kieth hannah sullivan michelle young shaun hoult tnaya bowers
When you make an access request the agency receiving the request is required to address and respond to your request within 20 working days. In your case you have had the initial response so the Privacy Act would now require the information to be provided to you or not provided with a lawful explanation for withholding the information, and this should not take an unreasonable amount of time.
Unreasonable time is not defined in the Privacy act .
So if you believe they have had a reasonable amount of time and you are not satisfied with any response received you may make a formal written complaint to the Privacy Commissioner.
I trust this and the attachment information is useful.
Fred Henderson
Senior Enquiries Officer
Office of the Privacy Commissioner
Hello all
Over all this time I have repeatly asked, to be treated with honesty ,intrigrity and transparency . or even the simple coutesy of a reply to my emails
You all have just chosen to ignore me
Also you have all told me I must be aware of all of telecoms policies procedures etc , which follows on that you, yourselfs, must be all aware of the acts such as the privacy act and all its remaifications simply put it is the law .you have to obey it ,in failing to respond to me you all might find youreslf in breech of the same law maybe .maybe not If so you have brought telecom into disrepute by your inactions
I have followed the advise given and sent a very full and formal written complaint to the privacy commsioner and advised them to contact Paul Reynolds as none of you senior management team seem to have a full and comlete grasp of the requirements of the act
What have I asked of the commissioner,
Two things, a full and public apology and if the law has been broken by anyone they are held accountable
i highlighted that it concerns me greatly that if management at your level can have such a cavalier disregard for the act .that the public must/should be very concerned about the security of the information held in our files about them
The concerns raised are now between the Privacy Commisioner and Paul reynolds I have stepped aside
Its no fun being micro-managed and having your failings highlighted to all those above, is it, but Michelle and co where good teachers
Current telecom participants
Bridgette Dalzell current head of outsourced customer care at telecom New Zealand whom is Michelle Young's direct report at time of incident
Michelle Young call center manager Hamilton call center, whom is Shaun Hoults direct report at time of incidents
Shaun Hoult team manager weekend team Sat-Tues Hamilton
Iain Galloway HR representative spends a lot of time in Hamilton
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