Friday, April 2, 2010

what now


These are my submissions made to the employment relations authority, along, with supporting documents they are now out in the open and I m putting them in front of you in the continuing effort to clear my name as many of you have expressed concern and interest and up until this point I have been unable to say anything

.The whole point of my blog and my decision to pursue it via the authority was over my time with telecom I had built a reputation for being a trustworthy honest person who had high standards of honesty and integrity.

However my leaving caught a lot by surprise and as I was bound by the confidentiality surrounded the mediation I was unable to “clear” my name so to speak

Unfortunately there have been a lot “discussion” on the social media sites that “I left under a cloud” I can fully comprehend why that would be, as most that are forced to leave immediately usually have been caught with their hands in the till and deserve to be dismissed abruptly. however this was most certainly not the reason in my case .someone decided I was to go and that was the end of it. The net effect was my name was impugned or tarnished as a result of their actions .my personal code of ethics will not allow that to persist

. It wrecked my health .completely stuffed my marriage and my house is the hands of brother . you will see that I suffer from a depressive illness and with my life completely crashing around me some were concerned as to what I may do to myself THANKS TELECOM from the family

Some may question my loyalty in doing this but I had it in spades until telecoms actions showed me in no uncertain terms it had no value what so ever

.so there you have it .not bitter really ,angry yes, saddened definitely, disappointed yes most certainly many many failed to meet the standard they expected of their subordinates

so what happens for here

Well the employment relations authority heard both mine and Telecom submissions, yesterday they asked a lot of questions to clarify the issues and a ruling will come out in the next six to eight weeks I represented myself Telecom where represented by Michelle Young and a lawyer who is a partner in the Simpson Grierson

When it does that may or may not be the end of it depending obviously on the outcome, if it goes further the court is open to the public and media so I might sell tickets to cover my costs ha ha

You need to have an understanding of the way things work in a legal sense you don’t get “justice” in the court system you get the law
so if you are looking to the courts to settle a grievance it is the wrong place to be .the law is very precise and at times can come down to the precise reading of the word of law literally to the placing of an apostrophe or full stop can make the whole difference in winning and losing a case

so read the documents and make up your own mind I’m not here to convince you one way or the other you are all adults with some modicum of intelligence otherwise you would be in the job you are

I am however heartened by the positive comments that come to my attention “you have a lot if backing and support Paul. Hoping the little fella kicks some big corporate arse !!

yes it is a bit of a David and Goliath struggle but it’s also one that has to be fought if this can happen to a loyal long standing employee of 39 years than I afraid for you younger ones

if this upsets you or concerns you join the union I would have been lost without them

so do what you like with it delete IT read it forward it a least NOW you have heard my side of the story

to the many of you that have offered concern and support thank you

cheers Paul

to telecom management if this email upsets you tough “ if your actions are honourable they will stand the glare of public attention”

I helped a lot of people over my years in your employ many many many of them where badly upset with the aspects of my leaving and told me so

so next time you are in front us worker bees at the bottom urging us forward with words like honour spirited grounded courageous etc
remind yourselves that it’s our expectation that your actions will /should follow your words . many may believe you have been found wanting

so if you hear a wee snigger from the back of your audience its someone subconsciously saying YEAH RIGHT try not to let it break the rhythm of your presentation

Current telecom participants
Bridgette Dalzell current head of outsourced customer care at telecom New Zealand whom is Michelle Young's direct report at time of incident
Michelle Young call center manager Hamilton call center, whom is Shaun Hoults direct report at time of incidents

Shaun Hoult team manager weekend team Sat-Tues Hamilton

Iain Galloway HR representative spends a lot of time in Hamilton

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