Tuesday, July 20, 2010

era reply and my response

Afternoon Genna

I am anxious given the current state of my finances; to mitigate future needless increment of costs.

As a person of integrity and honour have advised that I will pay the costs awarded in the last ERA judgment.

I have volunteered my budget freely to the authority and telecom.

The success of my employment endeavours will see this paid off earlier , once I have a regular income.

I will participate in a conference call but desire an assurance ,that its cost will not be awarded against me.

I find telecoms actions both mean spirited and vexatious, they are fully aware of my financial position.

I view this as just a continuation of the work place bullying ,they inflicted on me, to effect my dismissal, after a very long career.

With the utmost respect to Vicki and her position as an authority member; I can see no positive outcome, except to verbally re-establish my position and circumstances.

Nothing can or will change my current circumstances unless I gain employment and I have no wish to waste the authority's time.

warm regards
17 Minnie Place
Te Rapa
New Zealand

From: Genna Saifiti [mailto:Genna.Saifiti@dol.govt.nz]
Sent: Tuesday, 20 July 2010 10:19 a.m.
To: Paul Mcleod
Subject: RE: subject 5311630 Telecom New Zealand

Morning Paul,

Further to your email, the Authority Member Vicki Campbell has asked for a conference call, so if you can please advise your availability for the 27th July 2010 either morning or afternoon, if this is not suitable please provide me some possible dates and times that you would be available.

Kind regards

Genna Saifiti
Administration Officer
0-9 970 1576

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