Sunday, March 13, 2011

the truth will set you free but first you got to get someone to listern

With the employment relations authority now acting on the question of jurisdiction ,the events that have been part of my life for the past 18 months are now under the scrutiny of an outside agency.

I have achieved the first of the many requirements of the quest to restore my good name

My resolve to achieve my aim has not weakened, now I must wait patiently for the outcome, trusting in the law and the sound legal judgement and knowledge of the authority member who will make the ruling ,

The pendulum as moved ever so slightly in my favour .the important thing is the inertia has been broken and we have movement

We will now be set adrift in to perhaps troubled waters which will have ramifications for all participants beyond their wildest imagination
People will question their loyalty to the company and the hollowness of HR promise to protect them at all costs uttered at the boot camp those many months ago. this real life under real law with real consequences  there is no get out of jail free card from HR they are no longer in control of the game

if the senario plays out in my fasvour the witness list will be long, all will be under subpoena the question deep searching and repetative the choices will be simple tell the truth or lie . lie you lose your job and your freedom for commiting perjury  tell the truth you lose your job restore your soul and have a clear conscience

the truth will set you free but first you got to get someone to listern well someones is listerning and they have the power in law to hold telecom to account   will keep you posted as always

Current Telecom participants

Bridgette Dalzell :current head of outsourced customer care at telecom New Zealand whom is Michelle Young's direct report at time of incident

Michelle Young :call centre manager Hamilton call centre, whom is Shaun Hoults direct report at time of incidents

Shaun Hoult: team manager weekend team Sat-Tues Hamilton

Iain Galloway HR representative for in Hamilton

Hannah Sullivan HR representative head office

1 comment:

  1. Well, well, well a very intriguing turn of events I must say. It perplexes many to see the consistent departure of experienced staff, it perplexes me not.
