Tuesday, March 30, 2010

what i will be requesting of telecom

This blog has been in play for some months to gain the full story go to left hand side blog archive go to bottom post and read upwards

this is the paperwork that i will be requesting of telecom ,after i present my submissions on thursday .unfortunately the telecom lawyer indavertantly via a miscommunication recieved the request a little early however no damage done

however careful reading and a little thought will expose what transpired in my ousting

the next post of the submissions will expose the lies

I request the following of Telecom, so as to substantiate the basis of my appeal to the authority.
• Details of meetings and meeting notes, including diary entries indicating the original complaint of non performance and issues raised by Shaun Hoult.

• All relevant documents pertaining to the completion and acknowledgment of achieving, an agreed outcome between myself and Shaun Hoult. It was agreed between us that the issue had been dealt with and resolved.

• Information, as to why the issue was raised again after being dealt with as per above.

Information with regard to the process of what prompted the instigation of micro- managing.

• The legality of same as asked for, when compared to requirements of health and safety amendment act 2002 .

Who’s decision was it to micro-manage me out. Micro-managing was admitted to on more than one occasion by all of those involved ,Ian Galloway, Shaun Hoult and Michelle Young.

Who’s decision was it to continue to micro-manage in spite of the obvious stress being placed on me as per my medical reports and expression of concern by my union rep as this I feel is breach of the Health and Safety amendment act 2002.

• All information gathered on myself by Telecom in relation, to all details presented to me, at the initial meeting that occurred with Shaun Hoult, Team Leader on said Sunday night in late 2009.

All records of all other staff employed on site covering, the same time period , matching the same criteria and intensity as mine in each, and every way (Micromanaged) It is my contention that the records requested do not exist, and even if they do they, will not cover the same format as alluded to above, therefore failure to produce this documentation would support my claim that I was singled out to be managed out. these measurements for Refer data set mentioned in meeting notes of 270709 there should be a minimum data matching the entire site.

To produce a full account demonstrating all other Customer Service Representatives that failed to match the criteria that I was judged , reprimanded and dismissed on. If it was a fair and just process there should be records of all employee dismissal’s that would match this criteria. Failure to produce same would again support my claim.

To produce a full account of the survey/report done by Terri Wilson, Call Center Manager. This demonstrates that no staff on the entire site were doing the job properly, and none were matching the expectations required of me, which again would support my claim.

To produce all of Michelle Young’s documents notes relevant to this dispute. This is to include full meeting notes of Ian Galloway, Shaun Hoult and any meeting notes or other correspondence between all the above and others directly relating to this dispute. As meeting notes will show that I was continually told others were achieving, and I was not by Michelle. When I asked for verification of same Michelle quoted the privacy act as her way of not providing the information. Surely as a standard measurement procedure names can be removed and the information will still be relevant. My contention is that this did NOT exist and was used as a way of undermining my confidence and a way to exit me. Therefore if this information does exist, it can still be produced now.

As this is a process of listening into calls using a set criteria there is a opportunity to preempt the result as part of the micro management. An independent audit of this data would give further credence to the fact I was singled out for a predetermined result.

All conversation notes ,emails dairy notes correspondence to/ from all related parties including, human resources ,legal opinions and others to include same between all participants inclusive of Bridgette Dalzell, Michelle Young ,Shaun Hoult, Iain Galloway ,Hannah Sullivan Peter Cooper-Davis Sandra Cleaver , Dr David Prestage, the Department of Labor, Sheryl North , Trish Keith ,Debbie Herlihy ..Bryan Abraham These are required to prove or disprove the culpability of individuals in the decision to micro manage me out.

• Telecom's counsel indicate the documents are required to be confidential, individuals privacy not directly relevant to the various events will be respected, I am aware that these proceeding are open to the public and wish to exercise that opportunity. As stated in previous emails my name has been impugned, Telecom has tarnish my reputation for honesty and integrity my departure is the subject of discussion on the internet “facebook” where mention is made “I left under a cloud “ it is my intention to prove otherwise by any means at my disposal.

Refer email sent 230709 Michelle Young . These are serious issues I raised as to the legality of the micro-managing process I was being put through. The response was not to address the issues, but to concentrate solely and immediately on a process to exit me, confirmed by Hannah Sullivan’s responses, so whose decision was it not to address the issues.?
• Please provide the documentation. Of these discussions

Meeting notes .270710 in your own current attachment indicate I was invited to “raise any queries” Difficult questions were constantly asked of management yet to my knowledge none received the serious attention they required, none where answered .Telecom failed in their own promises to me why ???? They perhaps failed in their legal requirements to me.

It is clear they were becoming frustrated and saw the mediation as a process to achieve their requirement, fully aware that mediation would be the result of a final written warning if fact Iain Galloway had indicated to me in a discussion outside the building that this would all end in mediation and so it did

• I emailed a copy of my discussions with Bryan Abraham national manager health and safety to Iain Galloway which should be indicated the meeting minutes (where are those meeting notes please provide) of same are any notes emails memo between Iain and Bryan indicating that Iain was seeking to address my question. His failure to peruse or produce gives credence to my contentions that the whole process was predetermined please produce the documentation, as it is central to my argument.

Please ask of telecom dated documentation pursuant to any hazard control plans they had in place as required by law to deal with stress as a hazard in the work place and why these were not presented to me in rebuttal to my queries regarding same? Did they in fact exist? Where they presented to the department of labor ? If not why not? Where are they ..if they weren’t presented or do not exist then telecom may be found in default under the employment act Para 235 obstruction (1) (a) (b).

• I is my contention when all records are produced in the strict chronological order I requested, that the inadequacy of the process will become clear; which if why I feel they fall inside the category

Privacy act breach A request was made to Hannah Sullivan (HR) Telecom; for an explanation regarding the failure to follow the precepts and principles of the privacy act this request was made via privacy officer for telecom Tanya Bowers pertaining to Bridgette Dalzell accessing and reading private correspondence. This correspondence was between myself and “lawyer”.
The document produced amounted to at least 12 pages and it was my request to Tanya Bowers that each and every question be answered specifically, as this is the agreed standard that telecom was requiring from me 100% correct 100% of the time. The timeframe was indicated that the information was to be given to me before 1 April 2010 and to date I have not received the required results. Please pursue

thier response
Dear Stephen,

Telecom is satisfied it has complied with the Member's Minute of 16 March 2010. It does not consider the vast amount of documents requested by Mr Evans-McLeod to be covered by the Minute. It appears Mr McLeod wishes to reopen issues that pre-date the signing of the mediated settlement agreement which is clearly not the purpose of Thursday's investigation meeting.


John Rooney Partner Simpson Grierson
Level 27,88 Shortland Street, Private Bag 92518
Auckland, New Zealand, DX CX 10092
DDI: +64 9 977 5070 Fax: +64 9 977 5083
john.rooney@simpsongrierson.com www.simpsongrierson.com

it all up to the meeting on april 1 and the strength of my submissions

Current telecom participants
Bridgette Dalzell current head of outsourced customer care at telecom New Zealand whom is Michelle Young's direct report at time of incident
Michelle Young call center manager Hamilton call center, whom is Shaun Hoults direct report at time of incidents

Shaun Hoult team manager weekend team Sat-Tues Hamilton

Iain Galloway HR representative spends a lot of time in Hamilton

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