Having recovered my health I decided to re-enter the work force.
Some days are not good as you get alot of rejection
I,m lucky, the fact that I have had a lot of life experience,can cope with it
but some days it just confounds me how people can come up with thier decisions.
This latest rejection incensed me enough to write a letter to the editors of all national and regional papers.
Nobodies Child was the heading
After being micromanaged (yes they admitted it I was being micromanaged )out of job with a company I served faithfully for 39 years and 3 months refer blog http://hwyop.blogspot.com/ start from first blog.."Hoist with your own petard..Telecom NZ and me. 2/1/2010.
Having had my life plan altered by these circumstances beyond my control, I have spend the last four months recovering my health, resting and reevaluating my life
I have found myself on the dole
It been a illuminating experience.
No really.
Sitting in the WINZ office, watching the interactions between staff and clients viewed thru a jaundiced but perceptive eye puts you thru the whole spectrum of human emotions, as humanity such as myself find themselves requiring the states assistance.
Many happily demand it as their perceived right,others are embarrassed to find themselves there
Me I am ambivalent
Recently I applied for a job as a customer service representative in the local winz call center considering my last 12 years where served in my previous employers call center and my long service with my previous employers I assumed that I stood a chance.
You can imagine my surprise when I received the following email “All applications received for this position have now been reviewed and considered against the selection criteria agreed by the interview panel “We regret to advise that on this occasion, your application has not been shortlisted for an interview"
Bugger back to, sleeping in till noon, no wonder the country is stuffed
I sent it to family and friends.
One who has incidentially,suffered a simmilar experience with telecom replied.
"Gidday Paul.
Oh I so know where you are coming from.
Visiting the winz office is an experience. I’ve now invested in cut off jeans, a dirty singlet, bare feet, tattoos and have 4 screaming kids on retainer. This way, I will feel more comfortable walking into the place. Going neatly dressed (with shoes) is for the beginners !!
I was rung twice by some guy called Frank advising of the call centre job and that I should apply. (it closed today). I had to remind frank he had rung me already last week so didn’t need a reminder. I did question why he needed me to confirm my home phone number when that’s the number he rang me on !! And trying to get my correct birth date listed, well I give up. After supplying birth certificate, passport & drivers licence, it is still wrong after 4 years. I think their aim is to piss us off enough to make us work harder at getting a job ourselves as quick as pos. I didn’t apply for that job there. I’m over call centres for ever.
Good luck mate.
another friend added his experiences and was incensed enough to add his experiences and send it to all Members of Parliament.
Within an hour I had recieved this.
I am very very impressed
Dear Paul,
Your "letter to the editor" email has been passed onto me by Nigel.
First of all I want to congratulate you for putting your story "out there" as I appreciate that is not any easy thing to do.
The next thing I want to check is if you are getting the support from WINZ that you need as a client of theirs, as one of my jobs as a Hamilton MP is to assist local people in dealing with Government departments.
Let me know if you would like to meet to discuss any of these issues.
Kind regards,
Sue Moroney
Hamilton-based Labour MP
This whole blog thing is starting to gain a life of it own.
I am endevouring to obtain a list of the email address,s of my former workmates and or perhaps the email address's of the whole of telecom (can any of the readers help me with that) as it is my perfound belief, others would be very interested in how long term employee's are treated on the whim of senior management.
Those that I have talked to already are alarmed,upset and are forming a whole diferent view of managers as some of the particpants are known to them
Though in hindsight those of you that are current employees are free to pass it amongst your selves, home email only, remember management and definitely Bridgette Dalzell did with regard to my emails (see earlier blog for details)
Current telecom participants
Bridgette Dalzell current head of outsourced customer care at telecom New Zealand whom is Michelle Young's direct report at time of incident
Michelle Young call center manager Hamilton call center, whom is Shaun Hoults direct report at time of incidents
Shaun Hoult team manager weekend team Sat-Tues Hamilton
Iain Galloway HR representative spends a lot of time in Hamilton
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