Saturday, October 30, 2010

honesty intregrity morals and ethics

I have been re-reading the information garnered from telecom under the privacy act it came as no surprise to find that I had been betrayed from within my own team all the way up to senior management as people rushed to curry favour with management their loyalty is so fickle

Please don’t lie to me, unless you’re absolutely sure I’ll never find out the truth.

Disappointed no surprised no

Why no well

As you travel thru life people will let you down .betray you, not turn out to be what you think they not your true friend so why didn’t you see it coming, well sometimes you will and I did

Everybody you meet puts on a false front, they portray themselves as they think the world wants to see them as or in a way that conforms what they think of themselves

However what a person needs to be a aware of is small subtleties in their behaviour that tell what they are actually like inside, the more you listen to these little subtleties, the more you will be able to look into people souls, the more you practice this the more you will see

Sometimes these moments really blossom when they are voiced in absolute secret in a medium where people believe that their betrayal will never see the light of day the privacy act illuminates all

The hr person who did the vetting and censoring covered his own arse to the determent of yours people, all the way up national management level ,pretty selfish act really your think give him your thanks and my  regards you will find him wandering around the fifth floor .Never ever trust an hr person they are bad karma in your life

I’m going to focus on some of the lies, they are like loose threads on an otherwise undamaged canvass pull on the right one and the whole picture unravels and falls to pieces

I’m going to show the system and people up. For what it is

Nothing will be done even though the evidence is in black and white it will just show the lack of integrity of the participants and the farce the whole system is

I’m going to require HR TO ACT and nothing will be done

However their lack of fortitude in failing to do the right thing by telecoms own code of ethics and standards will be published on my blog

In a work place were the elastic in the knickers of some of the ccm.s seems to break with monotonous regularity and they are caught shagging team leaders on company premises and on company time or having one night stands with new and married fathers. Thus they have the power to fuck up your work life and your marriage as well

Now you know why I didn’t socialise much with staff after work go figure

Or arrive to work drunk out of their minds on either “p” or piss and assisted home by other team leaders on the floor leaving the site with no management back up AND all is swept under the carpet

There is a lot of truth in the fact the power doesn’t develop character it displays it

The misdeamour s i was micro managed out on pale in comparison these are the people you are required to look up to and the positions you aspire to

Shall I table the names along with the evidence well maybe yes /may no i unsure of how much heart break and disbelief you as C S R, s can take i dont really want to shatter your lives and your illusions

however if these dishonest creeps want to tap dance with me fine  i will give them the spotlight and the mirrors

Telecom has a code of ethics it is supported by the board of directors and lays down the tenets all staff from the C E O are required to act under YEAH RIGHT

One of these tenets is that all staff act with honesty go ahead look it up its there so you can see  type in code of ethics in the search field of your intranet

So think carefully who you give your loyalty to, work doesn’t last for ever but your relationships with your family should because they will be there long after your work life has gone

So far we have found that some within in telecom management lack honesty and integrity some lack ethics and a couple lack morals we know this because their actions belies the reality of their words

Get your work/ life balance in order because as much as telecom will support you when the wind blows the other way they will rip that support away. She is a cruel mistress and without being a misogynist prick women and power is a extremely dangerous and volatile environment with loyalty betrayals and cliché that alter as much as their hormones do /or perhaps because of the them .thats a reality bite the ugly truth

Look beyond the immediate think what lies behind it i will show you what i mean

In one of the reports one of the participants said the privacy commissioners report what be easy to deal with

They have employed one of the best lawyers in the country from one of the best firms so they should be justified in their confidence

However another report in my possession indicate the privacy commissioner had to make more that one request for information

This indicates a number of things

One. telecom thought its power surpassed that of the privacy commissioner but it didn’t it had to cough up that must have hurt

Two .Withholding information indicates they have something to hide

The ramifications of which will play out over the summer months

Who got the privacy commissioner involved ,that’s right it was me ,so who gets to see the report ,bugger me again

Some of you maybe aware of the drama down Ann street where a man is involved in hiding lots of gold and stuff . What you will not be aware of is there is another man at the centre of the whole affair on the legal side . In fact he is the corner stone of the investigation whose crucial role is not mentioned in the papers. I call him 007 he works long hours 14-16 hours days, he plays poker to relax  i ahve known him for twenty years or more

I play at his table twice a week, share meals with him and his wife, he reveals nothing of his work life ,its highly confidential but we do share the same moral and ethical code and the same dogged determination which is why we get on so well ,the conversations that ensue are very rewarding  

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