Tuesday, December 24, 2013


Hi, and welcome especially if this is the first visit, and double welcome if you have chosen to visit as the result of the recent article in the Waikato Times regarding my occasional letters.
I use this blog for several reasons.
It is a place to voice my views on other matters , philosophies and concerns as I feel the urge and see fit to express.
It helps to catalogue an on going saga I am having with a previous employer.
It assists in my struggles
It serves an additional subtle purpose, which I will let readers surmise.
Best results for items or people of any particular interest are achieved by typing the relevant word into the search facility top right hand corner.
Try typing sex  ....that gets you straight to some juicy bits read carefully
Or you can start at the very beginning and watch it unfold
Either way
Thanks for the visit, enjoy , comment or email at
Be very aware  some if not all of the names below are the subject of a still open complaint for fraud with the Hamilton police

Bridgette Dalzell :current head of outsourced customer care at telecom New Zealand whom is Michelle Young's direct report at time of incident

Michelle Young :call centre manager Hamilton call centre, whom is Shaun Hoults direct report at time of incidents

Shaun Hoult: team manager weekend team Sat-Tues Hamilton

Iain Galloway HR representative for in Hamilton

Hannah Sullivan HR representative head office

These people showed cowardice and deceit to achieve their purpose

to quote Dickens

"In a word, I was too cowardly to do what I knew to be right, as I had been too cowardly to avoid doing what I knew to be wrong.”  


Tuesday, December 17, 2013

people think im playing around i am not

this from the top feature writer of a major newspaper

Thanks Paul. Disappointing result.

We think on this that we'll wait and see if your petition to Parliament
goes ahead, and there will be a strong story in the whole saga.

I'll refer to it in the piece I'm writing. I'll give you a call a bit later
today to arrange a photo.

Cheers, D

Be very aware  some if not all of the names below are the subject of a still open complaint for fraud with the Hamilton police

Bridgette Dalzell :current head of outsourced customer care at telecom New Zealand whom is Michelle Young's direct report at time of incident

Michelle Young :call centre manager Hamilton call centre, whom is Shaun Hoults direct report at time of incidents

Shaun Hoult: team manager weekend team Sat-Tues Hamilton

Iain Galloway HR representative for in Hamilton

Hannah Sullivan HR representative head office

Sunday, November 10, 2013

peter marshall is the police commsioner

To: peter.marshall@police.govt.nz (peter.marshall@police.govt.nz)
Bcc: Patrick Evans-McLeod (the_haven@xtra.co.nz)



I would like it resolved please, that's all I have ever asked .it is no small matter to me, in lost wages alone the cost is $264k
After 40years of solid work for the one company  and paying taxes I am left to survive on the dole, sorry that is not going to happen  

I sincerely would like to advise media , that the situation has been resolved ,

After the week you have had re roast busters ,wouldn't you and the minister concur

Kind Regards


Be very aware  some if not all of the names below are the subject of a still open complaint for fraud with the Hamilton police

Bridgette Dalzell :current head of outsourced customer care at telecom New Zealand whom is Michelle Young's direct report at time of incident

Michelle Young :call centre manager Hamilton call centre, whom is Shaun Hoults direct report at time of incidents

Shaun Hoult: team manager weekend team Sat-Tues Hamilton

Iain Galloway HR representative for in Hamilton

Hannah Sullivan HR representative head office

so what's this all about, who is mike

so what's this all about, who  is mike
Thank you for your response and acknowledgement that the Ministry has received the information.
I recently sent the whole farcical sorry story to the media et.al
The media enquiries I am now in receipt of, have requested information as to progress and resolution
There is bemusement as to why such a straight forward matter , gets the bureaucratic run around that has been documented.
I would like to respond that the situation has been resolved and would request an urgent update from the Minister

Currently I share the views of the minister it has been "poorly handled "  
well Mike is
Mike Wright :Inspector 
Private Secretary (Police) | Office of the Hon Anne Tolley MP | Minister of Police

""There is bemusement as to why such a straight forward matter , gets the bureaucratic run around that has been documented.""
refers to a police complaint no 119299892 for fraud by three telecom workers
which they have  yet to apply resources to
having a complaint number indicates the acceptance that it is a crime
that has been documented
alerts them to the fact that all communications have all been via email
so why the letter
well they have been caught out with the Roastbusters saga I am not so subtly advising them that unless they act  .the media has been made aware of this failure
substantiated by documents from beginning to end
I am not over concerned as the complaint will remain in place till address
the only downside is that if any of the three telecom participants  lose their jobs  it may well no it will appear on any back ground checks new employers may conduct
I learnt that trick from themselves when they stamped my file do not re-employ two weeks after I exited
the fight goes on, fuck it, it gives me something to do

Be very aware  some if not all of the names below are the subject of a still open complaint for fraud with the Hamilton police

Bridgette Dalzell :current head of outsourced customer care at telecom New Zealand whom is Michelle Young's direct report at time of incident

Michelle Young :call centre manager Hamilton call centre, whom is Shaun Hoults direct report at time of incidents

Shaun Hoult: team manager weekend team Sat-Tues Hamilton

Iain Galloway HR representative for in Hamilton

Hannah Sullivan HR representative head office

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

INTERESTING a major fail

After 4 days i contacted the P.A of joe mccollum director of hr telecom

to be told that they had pursued it with a wider audience and they had been advised they shouldn't even be talking to me

so it ends there

what i find interesting is that the top dog is prepared to listen to his underlings advice flawed that it may be rather than applying himself to the simple question i ask  show me substantive evidence to support the claim of the  intellectually handicapped girl complaint that i was condescending patronising and rude

so next step is to take in to ombudsman the human rights commission then petition to parliament  or may be its time for a lawyer i have been advised of one that has success against telecom for exactly the same thing false customer complaints

never ever quit

Be very aware  some if not all of the names below are the subject of a still open complaint for fraud with the Hamilton police

Bridgette Dalzell :current head of outsourced customer care at telecom New Zealand whom is Michelle Young's direct report at time of incident

Michelle Young :call centre manager Hamilton call centre, whom is Shaun Hoults direct report at time of incidents

Shaun Hoult: team manager weekend team Sat-Tues Hamilton

Iain Galloway HR representative for in Hamilton

Hannah Sullivan HR representative head office

Saturday, August 10, 2013


me and telecom 

success reached the secretary of a board member today she took notes and listened 

i indicated the two instances of fraud and requested someone deal with it

 i also indicated politely but firmly that it i wasn't responded to it would presented as a petition to parliament 

indicated also the information i had gathered and corroborated when shake telecoms image and definitely bring it into disrepute






Be very aware  some if not all of the names below are the subject of a still open complaint for fraud with the Hamilton police

Bridgette Dalzell :current head of outsourced customer care at telecom New Zealand whom is Michelle Young's direct report at time of incident

Michelle Young :call centre manager Hamilton call centre, whom is Shaun Hoults direct report at time of incidents

Shaun Hoult: team manager weekend team Sat-Tues Hamilton

Iain Galloway HR representative for in Hamilton

Hannah Sullivan HR representative head office

Thursday, August 8, 2013

be foolish to ignore To the Ceo and the board

To  the Ceo and the board  

This week, I communicated as per below to the following  staff .
  • Debbie Herlihy
  • Trish Keith
  • Danielle George

I am now communicating the same to you, and the board members ; as part of the procedural requirement of the act in placing a petition before the House of Representatives 

At the conclusion of this letter 
  • which fully outlines my case,  
  • shows I have supporting evidence 
  • support of the very best quality
After alerting them to the issues of fraud , outlining  my next steps 
  •  a petition to parliament
  • offering them a chance of  resolution
 Their response is  pass it to your lawyer , the lawyer does nothing

This completely contravenes telecom's
  •  own code of conduct and code of ethics
  • supported both by you and the board

This lack of action and the subsequent reading of same on the floor of parliament  will  definitely bring “telecom into disrepute”   

Simon, the incompetence of your staff and lawyer has the potential to fail your own “red face test “

Especially when this exact letter is tabled amongst others, showing  that you were advised and ignored same

My suggestion is you question the participants in this fraud in the same manner and to the same standard that the parliament process will.
  • Bridgette Dalzell
  • Michelle Young 
  • Shaun Hoult   

Ask them to provide and substantiate the complaint from the intellectually handicapped girl (which never existed as a documented evidence trial cannot be produced)

It will be at odds to that stated by the girl within the same forum.

You will be aware with reference to the case recently settled , won by lawyer Kathy Fisher, that exiting of staff by dubious practises, indicates a both a pattern of behaviour and a legal precedence.

 Cheers paul

Dear Debbie /Trish/Danielle

You will be well aware that my pursuit for a resolution to the illegal act, a fraud , the nonexistence of a customer complaint which assisted my exit from telecom continues ..

It concludes with a petition to the house of representatives.
The presentation of the petition requires certain perquisites.
These I have been carefully fulfilling, this letter, is effectively the penultimate step.
To summarise the salient points.
• I have documentation from the Minster of Labour acknowledging it is a crime and advising me to take it to the police or the serious fraud office.
• I am in receipt of a police complaint number regarding same.
Persuaded, not by what is just, but by the law
To achieve this end they have accepted nothing, believed no one and asked me to corroborate everything, which I have done
I already have
• the required full support of a sitting  MP
• this results in my concerns to be expressed on the floor of the houses of parliament under privilege.
The petition will detail, all those with whom the issue has been raised,you are now  aware of  the reasoning behind my prolific entreaties to all and sundry both within and outside of Telecom  inclusive of the CEO both past and present and the board.

It relates to the fraud, not to the mediation process, that avenue being statue based , is not an option.

Bridgette Dalzell has stated in previous correspondence, she had every confidence in the integrity of  Michelle Young and Shaun Hoult
Feel free to bet your future on Bridgette’s judgment ( in reality nothing would give me more pleasure)

You both once had my respect, confidence, and trust.
No more, documentation sourced via the privacy act show me, this was misplaced.

Telecoms lawyer John Rooney at one point in this travesty attempted to scare me off with defamation.
It was not pursued, when, I advised the documentation signed off by the participants as true and correct records could be shown as not so, and the number of witnesses that I would call.
I was being set up and lied to ..realizing the outcome was predetermined and premeditated, I successfully gained corroboration.
The complaint from the intellectually handicapped person never existed, a document and evidence trail , can not be produced.
This will, if necessary require her, to substantiate same within the appropriate parliamentary process.

This letter provides for an opportunity for my concerns to be addressed, you may choose to respond.
I’m really not bothered whether I get taken seriously or not  I am just fulfilling the requirements of the process and documenting same.

I will no longer respond to any correspondence from  telecoms lawyer as,
• there is nothing in law that precludes me from exercising my democratic right
• the process requires me that all  information be substantiated and corroborated that has been achieved


Paul Evans-McLeod
17 Minnie Place
Te Rapa
New Zealand

Phone 0064 7 8494584
Mobile 0272423222

I received this reply

rom: John Rooney [mailto:John.Rooney@simpsongrierson.com]
Sent: Wednesday, August 07, 2013 6:58 PM
To: Paul Mcleod (paul.evans-mcleod@xtra.co.nz)
Subject: Telecom New Zealand Ltd [SG-SGDMS.FID361431]

Dear Paul,

We are instructed you have made further attempts to contact Telecom personnel directly. As previously advised, these approaches will not result in a response. Telecom will not respond to any direct approaches by you. Any communications are to be directed to us. 


John Rooney
Simpson Grierson
Level 27, 88 Shortland Street, Private Bag 92518, Auckland, New Zealand
DDI +64-9-977 5070 | Fax +64-9-977 5083 | Mobile +64-21 499 365
john.rooney@simpsongrierson.com | www.simpsongrierson.com

Paul Evans-McLeod
17 Minnie Place
Te Rapa
New Zealand

Phone 0064 7 8494584
Mobile 0272423222

Be very aware  some if not all of the names below are the subject of a still open complaint for fraud with the Hamilton police

Bridgette Dalzell :current head of outsourced customer care at telecom New Zealand whom is Michelle Young's direct report at time of incident

Michelle Young :call centre manager Hamilton call centre, whom is Shaun Hoults direct report at time of incidents

Shaun Hoult: team manager weekend team Sat-Tues Hamilton

Iain Galloway HR representative for in Hamilton

Hannah Sullivan HR representative head office

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

is all a farce really

me and telecom

is all a farce really

received this from telecoms lawyer to day

From: John Rooney [mailto:John.Rooney@simpsongrierson.com]
Sent: Wednesday, August 07, 2013 6:58 PM
To: Paul Mcleod (paul.evans-mcleod@xtra.co.nz)
Subject: Telecom New Zealand Ltd [SG-SGDMS.FID361431]

Dear Paul,

We are instructed you have made further attempts to contact Telecom personnel directly. As previously advised, these approaches will not result in a response. Telecom will not respond to any direct approaches by you. Any communications are to be directed to us.


John Rooney
Simpson Grierson
Level 27, 88 Shortland Street, Private Bag 92518, Auckland, New Zealand
DDI +64-9-977 5070 | Fax +64-9-977 5083 | Mobile +64-21 499 365
john.rooney@simpsongrierson.com | www.simpsongrierson.com

My reply


I am following the procedural process as required,  it is my democratic right,  response not expected or required

Encouraging is recent success of Kathy Fisher.

Cheers Paul

kathy fisher is auckland lawyer who successfully took on telecom and won  pretty much the same scenario as me accused of being rude to customers and managed out

above worries me not it telecoms image and their futures when all their misdeeds are read out on the floor of parliament


Be very aware  some if not all of the names below are the subject of a still open complaint for fraud with the Hamilton police

Bridgette Dalzell :current head of outsourced customer care at telecom New Zealand whom is Michelle Young's direct report at time of incident

Michelle Young :call centre manager Hamilton call centre, whom is Shaun Hoults direct report at time of incidents

Shaun Hoult: team manager weekend team Sat-Tues Hamilton

Iain Galloway HR representative for in Hamilton

Hannah Sullivan HR representative head office

Monday, August 5, 2013

Procedural requirement

Procedural requirement

Dear Debbie /Trish

You will be well aware that my pursuit for a resolution to the illegal act, a fraud , the nonexistence of a customer complaint which assisted my exit from telecom continues ..

It concludes with a petition to the house of representatives.
The presentation of the petition requires certain perquisites.
These I have been carefully fulfilling, this letter, is effectively the penultimate step.
To summarise the salient points.
I have documentation from the Minster of Labour acknowledging it is a crime and advising me to take it to the police or the serious fraud office.
I am in receipt of a police complaint number regarding same.
Persuaded, not by what is just, but by the law
To achieve this end they have accepted nothing, believed no one and asked me to corroborate everything, which I have done
I already have
the required full support of a sitting  MP
this results in my concerns to be expressed on the floor of the houses of parliament under privilege.
The petition will detail, all those with whom the issue has been raised,you are now  aware of  the reasoning behind my prolific entreaties to all and sundry both within and outside of Telecom  inclusive of the CEO both past and present and the board.

It relates to the fraud, not to the mediation process, that avenue being statue based , is not an option.

Bridgette Dalzell has stated in previous correspondence, she had every confidence in the integrity of  Michelle Young and Shaun Hoult
Feel free to bet your future on Bridgette’s judgment ( in reality nothing would give me more pleasure)

You both once had my respect, confidence, and trust.
No more, documentation sourced via the privacy act show me, this was misplaced.

Telecoms lawyer John Rooney at one point in this travesty attempted to scare me off with defamation.
It was not pursued, when, I advised the documentation signed off by the participants as true and correct records could be shown as not so, and the number of witnesses that I would call.
I was being set up and lied to ..realizing the outcome was predetermined and premeditated, I successfully gained corroboration.
The complaint from the intellectually handicapped person never existed, a document and evidence trail , can not be produced.
This will, if necessary require her, to substantiate same within the appropriate parliamentary process.

This letter provides for an opportunity for my concerns to be addressed, you may choose to respond.
I’m really not bothered whether I get taken seriously or not  I am just fulfilling the requirements of the process and documenting same.

I will no longer respond to any correspondence from  telecoms lawyer as,
there is nothing in law that precludes me from exercising my democratic right
the process requires me that all  information be substantiated and corroborated that has been achieved


Paul Evans-McLeod
17 Minnie Place
Te Rapa
New Zealand

Phone 0064 7 8494584
Mobile 0272423222

Be very aware  some if not all of the names below are the subject of a still open complaint for fraud with the Hamilton police

Bridgette Dalzell :current head of outsourced customer care at telecom New Zealand whom is Michelle Young's direct report at time of incident

Michelle Young :call centre manager Hamilton call centre, whom is Shaun Hoults direct report at time of incidents

Shaun Hoult: team manager weekend team Sat-Tues Hamilton

Iain Galloway HR representative for in Hamilton

Hannah Sullivan HR representative head office

Sunday, June 2, 2013


before i put a petition to parliament i am required to exhaust all other avenues ,this has required me to rethink and refine my approach
the fraud is a breech of emplyement relations law spefically good faith emploment  relations law
 The parties to an employment relationship specified in subsection (2)—
• (a) must deal with each other in good faith; and
• (b) without limiting paragraph (a), must not, whether directly or indirectly, do anything—
• (i) to mislead or deceive each other; or
• (ii) that is likely to mislead or deceive each other.
• A party to an employment relationship who fails to comply with the duty of good faith in section 4(1) is liable to a penalty under this Act if—
• (a) the failure was deliberate, serious, and sustained; or
• (b) the failure was intended to undermine—
by getting the ombudsman to deal with it costs me nothing but it costs telecom to defend it on bugger

letter to ombudsman

Dear Sir,

I have a right to justice under article 27 of the Human Rights Act.
Telecom, my employer, committed a fraud against myself by engaging in a disciplinary process based on a false, nonexistent customer complaint.
I have sought redress of this crime via the police, ministers of parliament responsible for government departments that are relevant, and the Employment relations authority
(Determinations (2011)NZERA315/5315212 ,File Number 5412923 refer)
Each statement of problem and the associated attachments provide substantiated evidence of this fraud, this is indicative of the failure of my employer to act in good faith, as required by law.
It was information withheld from myself, and only available subsequent to my signing of a mediation agreement.
This deliberate proactive breach of employment and criminal law has not been addressed by those agencies tasked with the requirement for enforcement.
I wish a review and determination by your department.
I intend to petition the House of Representatives; a prerequisite of that action is that all other avenues be exhausted.
Thank you for your assistance

Please feel free to contact me is anything is unclear.

Be very aware  some if not all of the names below are the subject of a still open complaint for fraud with the Hamilton police

Bridgette Dalzell :current head of outsourced customer care at telecom New Zealand whom is Michelle Young's direct report at time of incident

Michelle Young :call centre manager Hamilton call centre, whom is Shaun Hoults direct report at time of incidents

Shaun Hoult: team manager weekend team Sat-Tues Hamilton

Iain Galloway HR representative for in Hamilton

Hannah Sullivan HR representative head office

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Digital serfdom on the road to perdition

    Digital serfdom on the road to perdition / or Telecom ethically compromised.

Beware the ethics of those that manage.
Beware the duplicity of the dollar driven bottom line

telecom a big player on the small New Zealand share market.
Has most recently been in the news for its proposed removal of 1500+ employees, coupled with a revelation that 2700 almost 50% of its staff are on $100000+.
The corporate headquarters costing in excess of $250 million.
All whilst the remainder of the country fights its way out of a recession.
One can reflect on what this represents, in image and brand, and how.
And why it seems somewhat out of kilter.
Myself , I do not need to, I have experienced the ethic, and the morality sacrificed for process, policy and profit.
Commenced some 40+ years ago with the then Post Office or the P and T
Worked in the outside plant area, and ultimately a 123 call centre.
Had been a loyal employee for the 39+ years... and then disaster.
Suffered a heart attack, recovered; returned to work...and then false accusations and micro management , ultimately exhausted exited.
Time allowed healing, reflection and knowledge. Truths revealed in managers own emails , sourced via the provisions of the privacy act.
Learned of a boot camp, attended by all managers, whom were instructed in order to motivate the remainder , exit a person from each team.
Those that remain within the digital serfdom will remember the “cleansing” that occurred, when and who, by whom
My own exit and micromanagement to achieve it now more sharply in focus.
I have in my more idle moments reflected on this and other aspects of the call centre culture.
With its cadres, scripted conversations and the micromanagement aspects.
For a entity in the capitalist environment it bears a resemblance to aspects of its polar opposite, communism, defined by group think, and re-education of dissidents by repetitive indoctrination (micro management) to repress and discipline on “trumped up charges” , mine as  detailed within this blog a non existent verbal compliant.
I note other similarities, the excess’s of those in power, the edifices built to exult them.
But what of those that deliver on the front line....now all are micro managed as the scramble to claw back the squandered profit commences.
, but the edifice remains proclaiming ....what?

You decide...

Be very aware  some if not all of the names below are the subject of a still open complaint for fraud with the Hamilton police

Bridgette Dalzell :current head of outsourced customer care at telecom New Zealand whom is Michelle Young's direct report at time of incident

Michelle Young :call centre manager Hamilton call centre, whom is Shaun Hoults direct report at time of incidents

Shaun Hoult: team manager weekend team Sat-Tues Hamilton

Iain Galloway HR representative for in Hamilton

Hannah Sullivan HR representative head office


Tuesday, March 26, 2013




now postponed till 3.30pm same day 
they are in for a surprise 

From: Boon Lee [mailto:Boon.Lee@era.govt.nz] 
Sent: Monday, 25 March 2013 12:26 p.m.
To: Paul Mcleod; 'John Rooney'
Subject: RE: Request for a Conference Call; File#: 5412923 Paul Alan Evans-McLeod and Telecom New Zealand Ltd

Dear Parties,

The Authority member, Jim Crichton, can take the call on Monday 8 April 2013 at 11am. Please confirm your availability on this new date and time. 

Kind regards, 
Boon Lee
Support Officer
Employment Relations Authority | Te Ratonga Ahumana Taimahi 
10th Floor 280 Centre 280 Queen Street | PO Box 105 117 | Auckland | New Zealand 
Tel: +64 9 970 1571 | Fax: +64 9 970 1579 
Email: boon.lee@era.govt.nz ; Website: www.era.govt.nz
Be very aware  some if not all of the names below are the subject of a still open complaint for fraud with the Hamilton police

Bridgette Dalzell :current head of outsourced customer care at telecom New Zealand whom is Michelle Young's direct report at time of incident

Michelle Young :call centre manager Hamilton call centre, whom is Shaun Hoults direct report at time of incidents

Shaun Hoult: team manager weekend team Sat-Tues Hamilton

Iain Galloway HR representative for in Hamilton

Hannah Sullivan HR representative head office
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Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Persistance Pays

Persistance Pays

My persistence has paid off..
Independent investigator advice hits the mark.

For those that have followed my trials and tribulations we  have after all this time succeeded in placing Telecom before the Employment Relations authority.
Changing tack and seeking the assistance of an independent  investigator has borne fruit
Below is the revised statement of problem that was required by the authority.

applicant                     Paul Alan Evans-McLeod
Address of applicant:               17 Minnie Place  Pukete Hamilton
Full name of respondent: Telecom New Zealand Limited (Telecom)
Address of respondent   c/o John Rooney partner Simpson Grierson Private Bag 92518 Auckland 1141

To the Employment Relations Authority
And to the respondent

Statement of problem (or matter)
1.    The problem (or matter) that I wish the Authority to resolve is:
With regard to section 114 of the Employment Relations Act 2000 paragraph

 (4)On an application under subsection (3), the Authority, after giving the employer an opportunity to be heard, may grant leave accordingly, subject to such conditions (if any) as it thinks fit, if the Authority—
    • (a)is satisfied that the delay in raising the personal grievance was occasioned by exceptional circumstances (which may include any 1 or more of the circumstances set out in section 115); and
    • (b)considers it just to do so.

It is occasioned by exceptional circumstances namely:

An alleged verbal compliant from an intellectually handicapped girl was used to commence a disciplinary procedure against myself.
I am disputing the fact that this complaint occurred as no substantive verifiable proof can be provided by Telecom despite frequent requests since the commencement of the disciplinary action
It represents a fraud against me, and the identity theft against the girl with the intellectual disability.

It is just to do so: as this act by telecom violated principles of good faith when Telecom engaged in my disciplinary process that relied on the integrity of that which they provided, and thus impacted consequent  agreements entered “freely entered into” in ‘good faith” which should thus be negated and required to be revisited
Requests for the specific information were not honoured.

With regard to

Further provision regarding exceptional circumstances under section 114
  • For the purposes of section 114(4)(a), exceptional circumstances include—
    • (a)where the employee has been so affected or traumatised by the matter giving rise to the grievance that he or she was unable to properly consider raising the grievance within the period specified in section 114(1);

At the time of the disciplinary action I was subjected to a sustained and deliberate process of micromanagement against the achievement of impossible targets ( part of which was having a standard of being 100% right  100% of the time) and repeated disciplinary meetings within each working week on a continuous basis for a period of about eight months. This is attested to in emails obtained under the Privacy act consequent to my exit, from Bridgette Dalzell advising that “Shaun and Michelle had a good rhythm going and it normal takes him two days to calm down.” .
Shaun Hoult is my team leader , Michelle Young his manager.
 A further email from Trish Keith Telecom National General Manager advised she was aware I was very distressed.
Ian Galloway HR telecom ,and Michelle Young acknowledged within these disciplinary meeting that I was being micromanaged on two occasions (which can be defined as work place bullying) confirming the deliberate process, the effect of this  resulted in severe chest pain immediately after meetings requiring medical attention, (Note. The disciplinary action commenced shortly after return from work from an heart operation). The mental pressure deliberately imposed has left me with PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder) as advised by my doctor, whom expressed her concerns directly to telecom particularly as I already under treatment from her for bipolar , manic depression, which telecom was aware of throughout my employment and prior to this disciplinary procedure.

Thus I was unable to probably consider raising the grievance within the period specified

I am claiming these actions amongst others by my employer were unjustified.
·         A fraudulent non existent verbal complaint from a intellectually impaired girl
·         A disciplinary action based on this complaint
·         Deliberate micro management to affect my mental state and ability to reason to my detriment

2.       The facts that have given rise to the problem (or matter) are:
Requests for audio files, verbatim transcripts , or any documentation regarding the complete process have typically been ignored, or a have had disingenuous response, or advice has been received , that files no longer exist, or did not exist under section 29(2)(b) of the privacy act
I contend that no verbal compliant was made by the girl with the intellectual disability

1  Give enough detail to ensure that the Authority and the respondent are fully, fairly, and clearly informed.
Form 1 - continued
3.       I would like the problem (or matter) to be resolved in the following way:1 2
I request that the intellectually handicapped girl be interviewed first, to confirm that a verbal complaint was laid by her, with regard to my previous interactions with her, this will determine the veracity of each of the following peoples statements and contentions regarding this matter.
Bridgette Dalzell , Hannah Sullivan ,Iain Galloway, Shaun Hoult and Michelle Young

After the authority has spoken with the girl. I request that the people mentioned then be individually interviewed without the others present and that they be requested to verify and confirm all statements, views, content and contentions with regard to this specific matter

That they also all be separated both before and after to avoid collusion

Resolution of this matter requires the determination as to whether the girl made a verbal compliant, if she has not, then does this fraudulent act impact on other employment matters which Telecom engaged in with my disciplinary process that relied on the integrity of that which they all provided, particularly those agreements entered “freely entered into” in ‘good faith” now found to be fraudulent.
The authority to make a determination regarding: Are these negated and required to be revisited.
The authority to make a determination: Are there other offences under the Crimes Act, Defamation Act or any other relevant laws committed by any and all either jointly and severally?
The remedies I seek are , but not limited to:
·         reinstatement of my  former position or the placement a position no less advantageous
·          reimbursement of a sum equal to the whole or any part of the wages or other money lost as a result of the grievance:
·         the payment of compensation by the  employer, including compensation for
humiliation, loss of dignity,   and injury to the feelings, loss of any benefit, whether or not of a monetary kind,  might reasonably have been expected to obtain if the personal grievance had not arisen:
I have lost the benefit of good health and possible life expectancy.
My marriage and personal relationships have suffered immensely

·          if the Authority or the court finds that any workplace conduct or practices are a significant factor in the personal grievance, recommendations to the employer concerning the action the employer should take to prevent similar employment relationship problems occurring:

 Practise of micromanagement was a significant factor

Concerning the action the employer should take in  respect of the person who made the request or was guilty of the harassing behaviour, which action may include the transfer of that person, the taking of disciplinary action against that person, or the taking of rehabilitative action in respect of that person about any other action that it is necessary for the employer to take to prevent further harassment of the employee concerned or any other employee.

4.       I attach copies of the following documents (which I think are relevant to the problem):3
          Attachment 1  Manner described by customer
         Attachment 2   Manager referring to purported statement from non-existent complaint   
         Attachment  3  Additional reference to TWO customer complaints
         Attachment 4 Reference to verbal complaints
        Attachment   5 Alleging the customer described the calls
        Attachment    6 Latest requests   

5.       Have you, the applicant, tried to resolve this problem (or matter) by using mediation services provided by the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment?                        Yes ¨              No ¨X

6.       Have you, the applicant, tried to resolve this problem (or matter) by using mediation provided by someone other than the Department of Labour?           Yes ¨              No ¨X

7.       Have you, the applicant, taken any other steps of any kind to resolve the problem (or matter)?                                                                       Yes ¨X                        No ¨
If the answer to this question is "Yes", specify the other steps taken:
Addressed the contention of fraud with Department of Labour, lodged compliant with Police, Privacy Commission, Ombudsman, Telecom Ceo (past and present) Telecom Board Members of Parliament, Prime Minister Leaders of all Parties, and currently preparing a petition to House of Representatives to request of Telecom, the verifiable specifics of the alleged verbal complaint and other matters being denied to me by Telecom since the onset. The matter is most easily addressed by any of the members of any of these departments, interviewing the girl whom allegedly made the verbal complaint, my preferred option. Ministers of the Crown have advised that they view it as fraud, and therefore a matter for the Police. The Police view it as an employment matter. Raising the matter via this process seems to be a logical alternative to the bureaucratic ping pong engaged in by Government Departments. The Petition to Parliament requires all avenues be pursued prior; this action complies with that request. I have requested the details of the intellectually disabled girl so that an independent investigator can determine the truth via an appropriately prescribed process, this has been denied to me, I am very aware of the distress this may cause with this girl and would rather avoid it. One of my advisors conscious of this has been in touch with the head office of the IHC to determine, what support, process is appropriate.
8.       If you, the applicant, have answered "No" to both the question in paragraph 5 and the question in paragraph 6, please indicate why you have not used mediation to try to resolve the problem (or matter):
All straight forward requests for verifiable information, has met with disingenuous responses, denials or advice that files no longer exist. There is no verifiable evidence of process within Telecom around the verbal complaint, notes taken at onset, verbatim transcriptions, written notes of discussions within management, or any indication that the girl’s concerns have been actioned and signed off to the girl’s satisfaction. There has been no opportunity provided to myself to attest to accuracy of any of these discussions and facts presented. All of which under privacy provisions I am entitled to, it has not been provided thus far , and is unlikely to be provided within mediation. All five managers etc. mentioned were across the process, all have been given the opportunity to correct the situation they have not.

9.       This application is accompanied by the prescribed fee. Will be via internet banking with the reference Evans-McLeod or McLeod.
Signature of applicant:..................................................
1  Give enough detail to ensure that the Authority and the respondent are fully, fairly, and clearly informed.
2   Please include reference to any specific remedy (being a remedy under any enactment or rule of law) that you are seeking. If the applicant is an employee who is seeking, by this application, an order, under section 127(l) of the Employment Relations Act 2000, for the employee’s interim reinstatement, the applicant must, at the time of lodging this application, file a signed undertaking in Form 2.
3   List here all the documents that are attached, e.g. your employment agreement or letters that you wish to rely on, or documents required under any other legislation, etc.
Form 1-continued
Notice to the respondent
1.       If you intend to respond to this application, you must, within 14 days after the date of the service* of this application on you, lodge 2 copies of a Statement in Reply with an officer of the Employment Relations Authority at [                                         ].
Note that Regulation 8 of the Employment Relations Authority Regulations 2000 allows the Authority to direct a shorter period in any particular case
2.       The term days (in paragraph 1 of this notice) does not include any day in the period beginning with 25 December in any year and ending with 5 January in the following year.
3.       You will be notified of the place, date, and time at which the Authority will conduct any investigation meeting, in respect of this application.

Officer of the Employment Relations Authority: ...............................................................................
This application is lodged by Paul Evans-McLeod.................................. , whose address for service is
 17 Minnie Place Pukete Hamilton.......................................................... and whose telephone
number is 07 8494584.............. and whose fax number for service is …………………….……. and whose

document exchange number for service is ……………………………... and whose e‑mail address for

service is paul.evans-mcleod@xtra.co.nz……...…………………………………………… .4


This application is lodged by............................................................ on behalf of the above named

applicant, whose address for service is .……………………………………………...…………

…………………………………………………………………..and whose telephone number is

……………………. and whose fax number for service is …………………….……. and whose document

exchange number for service is ……………………………... and whose e‑mail address for service is

………...…………………………………………… .4

4   Although a full postal address must always be supplied, the supply of a telephone number and the supply for service of any 1 or more of the following, namely, a fax number, a document exchange number, or an e-mail address are optional.