Monday, April 23, 2012

watcha gonna do when theY come for you

Hello Paul

I have reactivated your file


Andrew BuBear
Detective Sergeant E769
Case Manager  CIB HAMILTON
DD: (07) 858 6322 Mob: 027 558 9484

the rest you finded out when he sits you down for a little chat

Telecom is not aware of the Police investigating any complaint against it but would of course cooperate with any direct contact made by the Police.

Yours faithfully
John Rooney
Simpson Grierson
Level 27, 88 Shortland Street, Private Bag 92518, Auckland, New Zealand
DDI +64-9-977 5070 | Fax +64-9-977 5083 | Mobile +64-21 499 365 |


Friday, April 20, 2012

its all bullshit in reality folks

The irony is: Current CSR's are getting online lessons; about working together; having values blah blah
When those that are across my blog; know for a fact.
That by their actions; not their words, that their management structure, right up to the directors (as just shown by previous blog) do not adhere to or honor any of it.

Wasted days.
Its all bullshit.
In reality folks, they don't give a toss about any of you.
Watch your management's actions, believe them?
Ignore the words as they lack any real value. 

All that Telecom had to do was apologise.
But no.
They would rather they went to court 

The delicious irony is; that Brigette and co's fate,  is being decided by a HR dipshit;who hasn't a clue and hasn't informed them of his actions. 

Cant teach stupid but is a lot of fun watching it unfold 
You work to live;not live to work 

Thursday, April 19, 2012


Me and Telecom
From: John Rooney []
Sent: Thursday, 19 April 2012 7:28 a.m.
To: Paul Mcleod (
Subject: Telecom [SG-SGDMS.FID361431]
Dear Paul,
We refer to your emails of 15 and 17 April 2012.
Telecom does not intend to enter into further correspondence with you about the matters raised in your emails. As previously advised, any correspondence is to be directed to us and the block on emails will not be removed.
In relation to your request "under the auspices of the privacy act", Telecom has already provided you with all of your personal information that is in its possession.
Telecom is not aware of the Police investigating any complaint against it but would of course cooperate with any direct contact made by the Police.
Yours faithfully
John Rooney
Simpson Grierson
Level 27, 88 Shortland Street, Private Bag 92518, Auckland, New Zealand
DDI +64-9-977 5070 | Fax +64-9-977 5083 | Mobile +64-21 499 365 |

As expected a  piss off letter
Tell the truth and tell it ever, costeth what it will; for he who hides the wrong he did, does the wrong thing still.”
So let’s deconstruct what is happening here, let’s read between the lines
Telecom does not intend to enter into further correspondence with you about the matters raised in your emails. As previously advised, any correspondence is to be directed to us and the block on emails will not be removed
Not a worry all future correspondence will come from the C I B and other legal entities

They in their arrogance are not aware of a case taken against an insurance company where the complaints where “awarded $10,000 for two breaches of the Privacy Act, for refusing to provide information and failing to respond to requests.”

Telecom is not aware of the Police investigating any complaint against it but would of course cooperate with any direct contact made by the Police.
Like fuck off I gave them the complaint number 
They only want direct contact so they can assess what merits the case has
The direct contact will be when they are cuffed and arrested
So John Rooney I believe gets his instructions from someone in Telecom  HR
I fully believe that the HR personal are not telling the higher ups the board members the whole story and they will come unstuck
As previously advised, any correspondence is to be directed to us
This is exactly why I sent the board and the group consul the information by post
And the block on emails will not be removed.
This is because I keep asking questions and won’t go away they cant answer them
The withholding of the information means I have to deal with telecom across an information barrier.
Which requires me to think out side the square to circomvent what they are doing
.if I had used a lawyer I would have spent close to $250.000 to achieve the results thus far?
But I am not I’m using my own intellect the wise consul of others
This has taken over two and half years, the process is quite intimidating. But if you do have the tenacity you can become quite successful
"If you believe in yourself and what you're doing then you can prove these great big companies can't just steamroll over you."
That’s is not going to happen in this case
However it is grist for the mill, this is the reality of what is really going on and exactly what I set out to achieve
Behind the scenes they will be endeavouring to line their ducks in a row...
And wondering what it is that is leaving them exposed so
Should the investigation proceed?
You have
Members of the board..Advised and failed to act 
Legal counsel..Advised and failed to act
Etc etc
None of which will do them any favours when the crap hits the fan
And the legal advisor will be checking with Rooney that they are not exposed etc, etc 
Also those involved have exposed Telecom so they will be under scrutiny etc
John Rooney is telling me what he wants me to hear etc
They will be checking etc etc
They probably have a view that i,m  are just a moaning bastard that will not accept his fate...and dismiss you, that’s to your advantage
No not a moaning bustard ,they acted illegally ,I caught them they admitted it ,its fraud  I’m just holding all to account
The board will have been asking questions , as they are exposed...they are not there because they are stupid in all cases, and they will look after themselves, if they are lied to by anyone underneath and caught by that lie...those below will be dealt to etc
Eventually perhaps after the fraud case this may well make the media  I have them on paper every step of the way

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

directors are being reminded of their full responsibilities

telecom and me

Oh things have got interesting a learned friend has just alerted me to the fact that is it coincidental that the current climate in the courts is that directors are being reminded of their full responsibilities and some are being held to account for their perceived failures with fines and jail sentences

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Fraud is an indictable offense

traci i agree with you but unfortunately it is a illegal act
Fraud is an indictable offense.
All participants are liable to a term of imprisonment

i warned them three times during the 81/2.months back off or it will turn nasty
they thought they where so clever getting rid of the old fella cause he was an inconvience cause he asked to many questions

once this part is concluded i will enact the next two thirds of my plan they willthen find out what nasty is
they acted with out honesty or intregrity and i caught them out

here is the thing they cant read people and what drives them they missed two important clues as to my character

the first is they should have checked the reasults of my IQ test
the second my record i acheive results far beyond what any others have achieved that takes persevance ,drive determination, the ability to set a goal ,and achieve and do it not once not twice but three times

thier options are resign without a police record or be dismissed with a police record their call

thier careers with in telecom have just disppeared they just dont know it yet

like they did to me two weeks after" i resigned " i have just stamped thier file do not re-employ

they have no idea of the huge ramifications for telecom if i get them found guility in court
never mind someone will explain it to them and then ask for thier resingation

  • Paul Evans-mcleod but hey they read all bout cause this be in the herald on sunday just dont know which sunday


    Please email to the following people

     Bridgette Dalzell, Michelle Young, Shaun Hoult, Iain Galloway .Hannah Sullivan Alan Gourdie, Paul Reynolds

    You are advised that by the receipt of this email 8 printed copies sent by post  have reached the desks of board members as well as Trish Keith: GM
    Tristan Gilbertson: Group General Counsel

    You are also reminded that a complaint has been lodged with the Head of the CIB Hamilton

    The complaint is still open .however remind yourselves that for the complaint to even considered, there must be a belief it has some foundation to it

    To members of the board

    Quite simply I am offering you an opportunity to right a wrong

    Telecoms code of ethics are supported and approved by the board, whom are required to facilitate decisions that are consistent with telecoms legal obligations. 

    Are Telecoms’ code of ethics are a crock, meaningless words, that they fail to implement, or in reality fail to support?

    Staff behaviours require they conduct themselves in a way that demonstrates that their honesty is beyond question and will not risk behaviours that have the potential to bring telecoms image into disrepute 
    This has been demonstrated, by a portion of your staff, to have failed on all counts

    I am in the process of taken them to task for fraud via lawyers and the CIB 

    I have detailed records
    in their own hand sourced via the privacy act 

    s indicating letters of complaint in meeting notes, signed off as a true and correct record 

    Confirmation that one of the complaint letters, in fact, did not exist, that equals fraud, this from Telecoms their lawyer John Rooney, via privacy commissioner

    Privacy commissioner acknowledges

    Telecom’s responses in terms of why it considers it have already provided you with these documents, to the extent that they exist. As previously advised Telecom is entitled to refuse a request for information which does not exist under section 29(2)(b).
    “this portion refers to the letter that was supposedly written customer complaint by the handicap girl who said I was “condescending patronising and rude” they are therefore admitting fraud in the disciplinary process” 

    A letter from the
    Minister of Employment confirming it is a police matter or serious fraud matter it is therefore not an employment matter nullified by the agreement signed off at mediation 
    Regarding your allegations of fraud, as I advised in my previous letter, your best option is to pursue legal advice to determine the options available to you in this situation.

    In the case of fraudulent activity. I encourage you to bring this matter to the attention of the Police. Once they have considered your case, the Police can, if necessary, bring this matter to the attention of the Serious Fraud Office.

    A letter from the
    Minister of Police indicating it has been forwarded to police commissioner 

    Complaint laid with Head of CIB Complaint Case 111129/9892

    Logic dictates that if it was covered under the mediation agreement the
    Minister of labour would not have progressed it to the police or advised me it is a matter for the police and serious fraud office 
    All participants in this protracted fraud are in my view culpable under the law. As it is part of their job requirements to make themselves fully cognisant with all the laws of the land it is an integral part of their job descriptions

    Bridgette Dalzell: National Manager Telecom:  who had oversight of the process as her role dictates?
    Michelle Young Site manager 123 Call Centre Hamilton (Bridgette Dalzell is Michelle's manager)
    Shaun Hoult my Team Leader (Michelle Young is his manager) 
    Iain Galloway Site Human Resource Manager
    Hannah Sullivan Head office Human Resource

    This can all be resolved by the board honouring their commitments as prescribed under the telecom code of ethics   

    My personal thoughts are that this matter can be resolved extremely quickly, contact each of the participants and ask one simple question

    In fact you can resolve it from your desk simply email them all at the following

    Stating the following

    I am in receipt of a letter of complaint from a Paul Evans-McLeod alleging fraud

    Fraud is an indictable offense. All participants are liable to a term of imprisonment

    The allegations with the supporting documents appears to satisfy all the elements of fraud

    Can you produce the complaint letter referred to in numerous notes of the disciplinary meetings performance meetings, outcome meetings, written warning, final writing warnings held with Paul Evans-Mcleod?  

    Specifically the written complaint letter referred to, is the one held to have been written by the handicapped person describing him as patronising condescending and rude

    A simple answer of yes or no will suffice I

    The answer is no, they won’t be able to, they have admitted same to the privacy commission  

    But no I am being forced to lodge a police complaint to resolve this issue. Telecom is content to use the power of it resources and their high price legal consul to avoid addressing the issue

    My recourse, besides the legal avenues, via the media both social and print, in addition to Member of Parliament requesting raising a question in the house (all in progress)

    What am I asking of the board is nothing more than you act according to the principles of the code of ethics
    Nothing more nothing less

    Once you act things will take care of themselves  

    I seek only what is fair and just, compensation, reinstatement, a written apology from each participant admitting the fraud and their role in it   

    So the choice is yours to act to, right this wrong or not, the consequences of your actions will be published on my blog and various social media sites

    If required we will proceed to court where the truth will be revealed as dictated above, finally in an environment where people will face the consequences of their actions

    It is indeed unfortunate that my current enquires via social media, an Open letter to all ex-telecom employees who worked at the 123 telecom call centre located in the ASB building 500 Victoria Street 

    I am interested in hearing from any of you, who were disciplined and forced out the company of the basis of customer complaints
    Currently I have a complaint of fraud against five members of telecom alleging dishonesty in the form of a customer complaint that in fact didn’t exist this complaint is held by the CIB at Hamilton police station awaiting progress
    This complaint still remains open allowing me to gather more information to support my claim I have had several enquires where people are concerned the same was instigated against them

    Have elicited others that have been treated the same as well direct inquires from print media as to whether I am pursuing a civil suit

    What a coincidence that we share the same call centre manager and national manager overseeing the disciplinary action

    I suffered psychological abuse over 81/2 months with this nonsense, medical people have advised I could now  have a life threatening concern, my personal physician has advised  I have developed PTSD  as a result of the stress I was put thru

    I gave 39 and 1/4 years to your company; this was not the way I anticipated leaving

    I was more than happy to be judged among my peers asking for no special favours neither expecting them

    However my own personal codes of ethics deems that I will not allow my personal reputation for honesty and integrity to be sullied by the actions of those whose concept of same bear no reality to their actions

    In addition

    This has been forwarded as well

    Please forward this to

    Trish Keith: GM
    Tristan Gilbertson: Group General Counsel

    Please ask them for an acknowledgement, of receipt of this email and removal of block to their email so I can communicate with them

    Telecom committed fraud, Telecom admitted it, and Telecom acknowledged it, a complaint letter didn’t exist, never had

    I have highlighted this fraud to them time and time again, written letters to everybody in Telecom all have read about it, from the CEO down 

    Yet none have acted and disciplined the people for the fraud, not ever

    That is the story the print media are asking about, they currently have copies of same 

    Telecom is unable to deny it
    Telecom having acknowledged it. An illegal act, are required to act
    They have been given one last chance to right the wrong
    They have been advised of an illegal act and they have done nothing, absolutely nothing, they broke the law, I didn’t, yet I’m the one without a job

    This illegal “behaviour that have the potential to bring telecoms image into disrepute” your own code of ethics  

    Warm regards
    17 Minnie Place
    Te Rapa
    New Zealand

    Phone 0064 7 8494584
    Mobile 0272423017

    Monday, April 16, 2012

    reply from telecom

    Dear John

    I am assuming that, that will mean the email will be delivered

    Thank you for your time

    From: John Rooney []
    Sent: Monday, 16 April 2012 12:37 p.m.
    To: 'Paul Mcleod'
    Subject: RE: righting a wrong [SG-SGDMS.FID361431]

    Dear Paul,

    We will take instructions.

    Yours faithfully
    John Rooney
    Simpson Grierson
    Level 27, 88 Shortland Street, Private Bag 92518, Auckland, New Zealand

    Sunday, April 15, 2012

    required to act

    Telecom committed fraud, Telecom admitted it, Telecom  acknowledged it,  a complaint letter didnt exist, never had

    I have highlighted this fraud to them time and time again, written letters to everybody in Telecom all have read about it, from the Ceo down 

    Yet none have have acted and disciplained the people for the fraud ,not ever
    That is the story the print media is asking about, they currently have copies of same
    Telecom are  unable to deny it
    Telecom having aknowledged it .an illegal act, are required to act
    They have been given one last chance to right the wrong
    They have been advised of a illegal act and they have done nothing absolutely nothing they broke the law, i didnt, yet i,m the one without a job

    Saturday, April 14, 2012

    true colours

    if you wait by the river long enough, the bodies of your enemies will float by.” 
    ― Sun Tzu

    telecom has been presented with a conundrum

    they can do the right thing or do nothing, action or inaction ,what ever happens will be revealed to the nation via this blog and the print media  .it is time to show their true colors

    it will resolve itself over the next ten days
    the tide is going out and we shall see who stands naked