Thursday, June 3, 2010

Letter to directors

This blog has been in play for some months. To gain the full story, go to left hand side "blog archive" go to bottom post of January with same title as this Blog and read upwards

Current telecom participants
Bridgette Dalzell current head of outsourced customer care at telecom New Zealand whom is Michelle Young's direct report at time of incident
Michelle Young call center manager Hamilton call center, whom is Shaun Hoults direct report at time of incidents
Shaun Hoult team manager weekend team Sat-Tues Hamilton
Iain Galloway HR representative spends a lot of time in Hamilton
Hannah Sullivan HR Telecom instruction person to lawyer John Rooney
John Rooney Telecoms legal representative partner in Simpson Grierson

Letter to directors
I require little of Telecom except that I am treated with honesty, integrity, transparency and respect.

I have served your company for 39 years and 3 months in return for that loyalty, I am asking each of you personally, to take an hour of your time to read my story and act according to your conscience.

All of you have reached the position you hold based in part on your character, your honesty, your ethics and your integrity.

I based my entire life on the same exact credo; you above all, are required to "walk the talk"

Indeed your own code ethics requires you to,

"Conduct yourselves such that your honesty is beyond question and you are required to report any unethical behaviour of which you become aware"

You approved the Telecom Code of Ethics; that is the framework of the standards the employees of Telecom are required to conduct their professional lives by.

I believe the four people involved in my story have, while behaving legally; have reached their goal of having me dismissed in a very unethical and dishonest way .Indeed careful reading will show each has acted dishonestly. Falling well short of their expected behaviours of fair dealing

They, in my humble opinion, have not undertaken their duties in accordance with Telecom values and they perhaps have committed behaviour which has the potential to bring Telecoms image into disrepute

They have failed to value my differences, failed to treat me with respect in accordance with Telecoms equal opportunities and anti harassment and discrimination policies.

They behaved in ways that were both deceptive and misleading and extremely unfair.
Adherence to policy and process does not abdicate moral and ethical responsibility, as history demonstrates

In fact they took my refusal to be admonished three times for the same misdemeanour as a direct affront to the power of their positions and moved with undue haste to have me ousted from the company

Please now take a small portion of your time to read my blog , from the first in January 09 to the final one.

Justice is sought for myself; and for the others that may follow and be treated thus for they have ruined my entire life, my health and my marriage. Cornering me with a cold hearted manipulation of the legal process, such was my reward for a life time of loyal service I was proud to be a part of the industry. My departure left me feeling like I worked for Enron or World com

It is true that only a coward can be brave, as a man who feels no fear, has conquered nothing

It is also true that, when one person speaks up to stop some wrong.

Others often join in, desperately relived, that at last someone has said something.

It is not easy to be the one to speak up or for one to step in .If it were we would not value and admire those that do.

One final truth remains beyond all the petty irritations of life.

All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.

The question remains, why has this sort of behaviour been allowed to flourish and what is to be done about it before such behaviour corrupts the whole of Telecom , its image, its brand, its brand equity.

There is no such thing as a minor lapse of ethics; either you are honest or you are not

Simply put, I request yourselves, as directors to explain to me; why three if not four people that have behaved dishonestly in their dealings with myself still retain their positions while I languish after years of loyal honest, service on the dole

You may address my concerns or you may not, I am looking for someone within telecom with the "right stuff" to do the "right thing”, I seek transparency

If my simple humble concern is treated with indecision or in action, then unfortunately the only recourse left to me is go viral or go public to clear my name; for I have canvassed the whole of Telecom in my efforts to seek some form of justice, only to be rewarded with disinterest or disdain.

The irony is today I received a letter from Paul Reynolds to say “thanks for giving us a chance to put things right “that is what I’m offering you the directors “one last chance to put things right”

I have nothing left to offer but to thank you for your time and consideration and await your response

Paul Evans-McLeod

the ball is thier court or on the front page of the national papers all i am doing is micro-managing them and holding them to account exactly the same as was perpetrated on me they like that which was requested of me must get it 100% right 100% of the time no more no less

i have contacts and reporters awaiting thier response that is the medium thier perfromance review will be played out

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