Tuesday, February 19, 2013

code of ethics yeah right

if your contention that Telecom as a corporate knowingly and deliberately took advantage of a person with an intellectual disability , in their use of her identity with out her knowledge (identity theft) to compile a purported verbal complaint to effect you exit through a disciplinary proceeding fraudulently is proven.
Then it is my view that they are in breach of numerous employment laws and liable also under the Crimes Act...more detail re this to be provided in further correspondence.
As an exercise
I viewed Telecoms stated ethic’s, the accountabilities and procedures that is available on the internet.
I have highlighted in red those statements and obligations within that I feel pertain particularly to your issues.
I foresee considerable impact on numbers of those within Telecom should you prevail in your fight.
Below is a brief preamble , and attached is a cut and paste of their code of ethics along with the URL that provided it.   

Code of Ethics
Telecom expects its employees and directors to maintain the highest ethical standards. Telecom's Code of Ethics (PDF 90KB) establishes the framework by which Telecom people (including the CEO and CFO) are expected to conduct their professional lives by facilitating behaviour and decision-making that meets Telecom's business goals and is also consistent with Telecom's values, policies and legal obligations. All Telecom people receive online training on the Code of Ethics. Telecom encourages staff to report any concerns they have about compliance with the Code, Telecom Policies or legal obligations, using a custom built online reporting system. Any concerns are investigated with action taken as appropriate.

Expected behaviours (including to deal fairly and honestly with Telecom's people, professional advisers, customers and suppliers);
Escalation procedures and whistle blowing
Any Telecom employee (including a contractor) who becomes aware of a legal, regulatory, policy or other compliance issue has a responsibility to report it using Telecom's breach reporting/whistle-blowing frameworks which include a financial compliance escalation procedure. In addition, Telecom has a procedure whereby accounting, auditing or internal control breaches or concerns may be reported confidentially to the Audit and Risk Management Committee.

Be very aware  some if not all of the names below are the subject of a still open complaint for fraud with the Hamilton police

Bridgette Dalzell :current head of outsourced customer care at telecom New Zealand whom is Michelle Young's direct report at time of incident

Michelle Young :call centre manager Hamilton call centre, whom is Shaun Hoults direct report at time of incidents

Shaun Hoult: team manager weekend team Sat-Tues Hamilton

Iain Galloway HR representative for in Hamilton

Hannah Sullivan HR representative head office


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