Monday, March 22, 2010

a busy week for some one

letter to telecoms lawyer this will prove who has been doing thier paper work properly there are some subtle traps in this request and im not requesting it vicky campbell is as a member of the authority so if they want to play games with her so be it


Good afternoon

Subject to paragraph 3 of members minute 160310
Request from Vicky Campbell

Would you be so kind as to request from telecom 2 copies of any and all correspondence relating to the raising of the personal grievance which was the subject of mediation 18 august 2009

These are to placed in chronological order starting with the initial complaint from my team leader in which he addressed my non/under performance, his acknowledgement of the improvement and subsequent ceasing of performance management by my team leader as he had indicated I had reached the required standard .

The dates and times and all other relevant information relating to the above request all meeting notes (coupled with start and finish time of each meeting ,and indication of the immediate outcome of meeting i.e. was I sent home due to becoming upset or distressed)

All conversation notes ,emails dairy notes correspondence to/ from all related parties including, human resources ,legal opinions and others to include same between all participants inclusive of Bridgette Dalzell, Michelle Young ,Shaun Hoult, Iain Galloway ,Hannah Sullivan Peter Cooper-Davis Sandra Cleaver , Dr David Prestage, the Department of Labor, Sheryl North , Trish Keith ,Debbie Herlihy .Bryan Abraham,
Subsequent from that time up to but not including the mediation

Could these please be available by C O B Friday 260310

Current telecom participants
Bridgette Dalzell current head of outsourced customer care at telecom New Zealand whom is Michelle Young's direct report at time of incident
Michelle Young call center manager Hamilton call center, whom is Shaun Hoults direct report at time of incidents

Shaun Hoult team manager weekend team Sat-Tues Hamilton

Iain Galloway HR representative spends a lot of time in Hamilton

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