Friday, August 13, 2010

do they read emails between myself and my lawyer yes they do

to be clear i rang nigel and asked that he pretend to be my lawyer  all emails between us where formatted as thought it was client lawyer correspondance 
which should have been confidential 

by no hr think the are a law unto them selves

Hannah Sullivan

From: Richard Lowe

Sent: Wednesday, 26 August 2009 7:59 a.m.

To: Hannah Sullivan

Subject: FW: well well well

From: Paul Evans-Mcleod

Sent: Wednesday, 11 March 2009 3:29 p.m.

To: paul.evans-mcleod©

Subject: FW: well well well

From: Paul Evans-Mcleod

Sent: Mon 3/9/2009 7:35 AM

To: Nigel Dick (

Subject: well well well

Hi nigel

I had a sleep on the events of yesterday an have decided that at the first hint of a disciplinary I’m going to hit

them between their eyes with a few home truths from around here

Such as 1 managers turning up drunk two other managers had to leave the floor and escort her home
 2 under the influence of p

3 shagging their team members to the point where one had to seek counselling

4 a ccm and a team leader observed shagging each in 6th floor meeting room the male actually took a photo of the act and showed to other UI on floor and nothing was done

5 staff stoned

6 in all people have to be consistent in their discipline for like offences with yesterdays incident which was factually incorrect in the most part It was addressed in a performance feed back session a work mate who was penalised for same thing it was a disciplinary letter makes you think doesn’t it

7 and I will involved the unions lawyers so all gets addressed

8 you might have guessed I through playing games

Add to file please

Cheers paul

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